
Yea, surprised to see Masters of Sex didn't even make this list. I may be
weird but I prefer it to Mad Men (although I haven't got past
season 3 of that yet).

I second that. I already had too many thing I wanted to watch after the first two 'Best Of' lists. Now there's a third?!?
Ugh, well guess the list is getting longer, I may be getting less sleep this holiday than I do when I'm working.

regular "sex?"

regular "sex"?

The first three Bluray boxsets my dad brought where Resident Evil (1-4/5), The Fast and the Furious (1-5) and the Alien Quadrilogy.
Make of his taste what you will, I eventually liberated his Alien boxset to my collection as I felt it deserved to be among better company and he admitted he probably wasn't going to

Finally, was waiting for someone to mention this. I knew I couldn't be the first person to think of posting it.

I love the AV Club community, no matter what the article I can trust the commenters to somehow bring it back to bondage.
It's like some kinky version of Godwin's law.

Yea, that show has some great donkeys.
*halfhearted drum-kit sound*

Yea, I have all of season 1 but I had to stop watching it after three episodes because I couldn't sleep if I watched it immediately before bed.
Now I have free time over Christmas and I can dedicate whole days to TV-watching, I might sandwich the episodes into the middle of my days so I have time to recover.

That clip from Master of Sex is great, need to finish that season. The Flash looks good too, everything I found silly about Arrow is there but it works better because it's not taking itself seriously and looks like a live-action cartoon.
In contrast that clip from Arrow just puts me off; "that's a particularly firm

Yay! Another fellow Kill The Moon lover, that scene specifically.

Master of Sex and Bojack Horseman would have been my picks that should have been on the list. But I can't really talk as I haven't seen a lot of what made it (so it could be better).
Disappointed that the review here didn't really give Bojack a chance, it got a lot better towards the end.

Why not both? I'm sure you could use a miniature Ameri

Weirdly there are loads that I haven't seen and
barely heard of (I guess I've been out of the loop this year).
Where did Broad City come from? I only heard about it a few weeks ago because I was looking through Hannibal's IMDb page (the comedian not the serial killer).
Just what I hoped for, lots of new things for me to

I've seen Last Week Tonight and Fargo suggested a lot and I suspect they'll make it.
Can't wait to compile my list of things to catch up on.

Has a show like Last Week Tonight ever taken the number 1 spot? I'd love to see it in the top 10 though.

There's also that whole debate about rape in Louie.

That's good for me, I tend not to get into new shows until they crop up on the AV Club top ten list.
So that's lots of great new TV for me to watch.

Yea, I forget the season this year was 14 episodes, I keep thinking it was short because I condense all of Elevator down in my head.
I still think it deserved to crack the top ten because the best episodes where really top notch stuff.