
Yea, I remember a time when Louie, Community and Parks and Recreation would all float around the top 5 spots.
I don't know much it's due to those shows getting worse or the rest of TV getting better (probably a mix of both) but I'm excited to check out what's taken their place.

Oh just wait till you leave college and get a job/go freelance.
The worst part was when I was looking for work, because I had loads of time to watch TV but felt guilty whenever I did.
So I didn't watch TV but I didn't spend enough time looking for jobs either, it was a depressing time.
The best thing about having a job

I sort of don't want it to improve from a purely selfish perspective.
If it get's better I'll have to binge watch season 1 to catch up, I'd rather write it off entirely.

That's because you have to wear "clothes" when you go there.
I know, it's such a hassle.

'People' aren't the problem, 'unknown people' are the problem.
There are people inside, the good thing is you usually know who they are.
Although for the first year of university I didn't know two of my housemates names (I realized I didn't know when it was too awkward to ask).

I've made this point many times before, it seems to be following the misnomer that "natural" is somehow better, even though it's such an ill defined word.
But everyone thinks I'm joking.
Apart from vitamin D, which you can get by sitting by a window (although my curtains are perpetually closed) there's not much

This is exactly my problem now that I've got work.
I finding cutting out "regular" TV helps, it's easier to just watch the best TV shows and movies if you're not watching anything else.
But I hate thinking that watching 4 hours of TV a night isn't going to be enough, espeailly when I re-watch shows from years gone past.

Yea, I was surprised at how long most of my favorite shows are too but that just means I can't wait to watch what beats them.
I haven't had much time to watch new shows this year but I've finally got a break over Christmas and I'm going to catch up on everything I can.

Perhaps it's in the top ten.

That just means that there was less competition that year and TV as a whole has got a lot stronger this year.
I'm taking that as a good thing, a lot of my favorite shows are lower than I expected, which just means there are better show I haven't even seen yet.

I can see where that's coming from but I don't think it's true.
I think, a bit like Joss Whedon, he has his own dialectic which most of his characters use but they're still identifiable and unqiue.
I don't think you could give a Will Mcavoy line to Maggie and have no one notice, maybe to Sean Parker.
I'd just love to see

And now it's a wolf or at least it is in the UK.

I already want to listen to it.

Why did I click that link? Has the internet taught me nothing?
Fortunately it wasn't as bad as it could have been and I laughed.

That's fair enough.
I liked the first half of season 1 a lot as well, but I also liked what it turned into.
From every thing Harmon said season 6 will be returning to that style (that may or may not be true) so you might want to give it another shot.
I think that song was definitely aimed at the TV execs (it apparently

I have an account but I don't think I've ever commented (or posted or whatever you redditers call it) beyond a few Community posts when news from season 6 started circling.
It seems like a really cool community (no pun intended) but not one that's quick and easy to dive into.
I feel like no matter how much I lurk before

This was exactly what I thought as well. It would be great if he has another but I think he;s just getting old.

Those things aren't the same though ("where you can" doesn't equal "for the exclusive purpose of").
I'll forgive you're mis-wording of the original post. I still don't see a problem with setting up a board for that purpose.
People are allowed to accuse others of rape, giving them as place to do that is not a bad thing.

Thanks. I just found clips from that documentary on IMDb, although I'm totally getting the bluray for Christmas now anyway.
The exchange I found most interesting between Fincher and Sorkin in that clip was actually:
Sorkin: "Anyone can feel empathy for a big guy who was really wronged by a girl"
Fincher: "But he DIDN'T

"Why should she have to sit across from Her rapist while the whole works watches and tweets about it."
She absolutely shouldn't have to. Someone being forced into that situation is terrifying and disgusting to think about.
But if she chooses to, she should be allowed to.
That's the basis of free will, just because