
I heard an interview with Sorkin on BBC Radio 4, where he talked about growing up behind-the-scenes of a theater and always being taken to plays when he was too young to understand them.
He would just listen to the dialogue and become fascinated with the way it sounded without realizing what any of it meant or where it

Surely that's any message board.
I mean I could accuse someone of rape right here, I'm not going to, but I could.
I'm not entirely sure what the "against" argument is here, is it just "someone could use the message board to falsely accuse someone" because they could do that anyway.

Just wait till the special edition, with added ghosts.

I've always fantasized about getting the chance to direct a Aaron Sorkin script and in that fantasy I flip the genders of all the characters and do completely race-blind casting.
I'm sure a few words/names would need to be changed here and there and I'm sure it would piss him off but I think it would be a really

Out of curiousity where was the behind-the-scenes documentary? I am tempted to put the bluray on my Christmas list.

"And like most people, I'm worried about creating a culture where saying
the wrong thing can lead to outsized cultural punishments."
I agree and I think it's that legitimate fear that fuels a lot of people to cry out "freedom of speech!" whenever they think anyone is about to be punished for something they said.

Yea, it's really worth checking out, espeailly if you've only seen Malcolm Tucker's bits. I almost feel he's too brilliant and his performance overshadows all the other wonderful parts of the show as it's all anyone ever talks about. There's so much other great stuff there you won't have seen.
Although I personally

Freedom of speech doesn't even give you the right to post whatever you like online or say whatever you like on television (which a lot of people forget).
Those are private spaces, someone else owns that website or television network and they have a right to ban you from saying whatever they want on their

What you've described is basically any comment section on a controversial topic or video of a comedian telling an offensive joke. It usually goes like this:
Idiot here's a joke on a controversial topic (like racism/sexism/9-11) but doesn't fully understand it or perhaps doesn't care, they just hear an audience laughing

This is the only non-review column that I regularly read all the way through, despite not having seen much of her stand-up.

"Here's a joke about video editors, video editors are so fucking- I think we should do a poem right now"
I watched that whole thing on a whim because I saw a link in my twitter feed, it wasn't until it was over I realized how long it was.
I was even more impressed when I found out he was my age, I thought he just had a

I got half way through that last night and had to stop. I might pick it up later but I wasn't thrilled about it.
I remember liking her on Comedy Bang Bang but not here, is the rest of her stuff like this? Or is there some more traditional stuff I could check out.
I thought the random cutaway shots of the audience were

I think there's a rule in their contract that any show that hires a Firefly/Serenity actor has to reference the film/TV show at least once (more if that actor is a series regular).
It even applies to The Killing, which distracted me no end in that first scene with Jewel Staite.

I thought the opposite actually, it felt very obvious, almost like a drama class exercise to express different character in the most obvious way possible through dance.
Helena and Alison were almost caricatures of themselves, Felix was awesome though (as always).

From a technical perspective it's just amazing, I saw a VFX breakdown on youtube and I was still staggered as to how they managed to pull it off.
I have a reasonably limited knowledge of visual effects but I've done enough to know that there's so many complicated aspects to that shot that it seems like they made it

I almost feel like they should redeem the character somehow.
We've seen him and invested time in the character, them giving up entirely just makes him even more pointless.
But it would take a great deal of work to make him work in the story.

The AV Club's sister? Who is that? The Dissolve?

Interesting, it's the opposite in the UK.
Gremlins is 15, Gremlins 2 is PG.

Yea, good points.
I guess I see comparisons between the two ratings because they're the only "adults ONLY"ratings each system has.
But you're right the NC-17 has more restrictions in the US, which leads to more films being cut down to avoid that rating.
Although it's not quite as extreme, I still think 18 has a similar

Yes it was, although it got re-rated 15 for DVD.
I think that's why a lot of people assumed Spider-Man was the first 12A is because Batman was the first 12 and that would be somehow poetic.