
^ I get this reference.

The AV Club
"hardcore porn on the front page."

"Beige Alert!" is far too aggressive for Neutral Club, I move that we rename it "the beige state".
The first rule of Neutral Club is don't worry too much about the rules, the second rule of Neutral Club is don't be too anti-rules either, the third rule of Neutral Club is no garish clothes.

I was so disappointed the day I found out that guy was a C-word.
He posted something I disagreed with on twitter (I can't remember exactly but it was something like "why is it free speech to say "I hate America" but racist to say "I hate blacks"") I replied to his message not expecting anything back but he replied, we

Leonard Likes This Post.

Yea, I wasn't quite sure which word to use, "development" was perhaps the wrong one. It's more like a shift in focus to concentrate on that aspect of his character, I'd say it's a bit of a development since 10 and 11 had less of that character trait and it's starting to come back.
Is that character development or

I wouldn't be surprised if the Doctor doesn't "see" race considering the amount of remarks he made about Clara being unattractive or fat.

I don't know. You've got a lot to catch up on, you lucky bastard.
Enjoy. :)

Some people's favorite meal is beans on toast, although calling this episode "beans on toast" is over simplifying it.
There are plenty of shows where I'll love what some people would call an "average" episode, because it's just done so well, not because it's doing anything unqiue or different but because it's firing on

"This episode entertained me. It was smart, not "clever". It was
rational, not "dramatic". It was fun and scary, not "sexy and
righteous". We all watch it for different reasons."
Couldn't have said it better myself, I loved this episode but I loved 'Listen' and 'Day of the Moon' too.
I like smart or clever, fun or sexy,

"You're not gonna believe this, because it usually never happens, but I made a mistake"
"What about the reality where Hitler cured cancer, Clara? The answer is: Don't think about it."
"Why don't you ask the smartest people in the universe Danny? Oh yeah, you can't. They just blew up."

I love it, I think "dour" is perhaps a more accurate word than "dark" but I don't think that's bad.
The pacing is certainly slow and it's focusing more on the characters (which Moffat says was his intention for this season) it doesn't help that the characters aren't particularly unique, but I still think it works.

I'd say more Sherlock Holmes than anything else, there are a few lines in Moffat penned episodes where it seems like he slipped back into writing that character and it's only Peter Capaldi's delivery that distinguishes it.

I actually think he's funnier than Matt Smith, less silly but more likely to actually make me laugh.
So many great lines in the vain of: "Don't be so pessimistic it will affect team moral" "And getting us blown up won't?" "Only very briefly", that's some quick wit there and it's funnier than eating fish-fingers and

Yea, I would have loved it if he joined the TARDIS, I was really hoping at the end they'd managed to keep it completely under-wraps and he was joining after all, but alas not.
I love it when the TARDIS has a bigger crew, I think one of the reasons the previous seasons lent so heavily on the romantic/flirty dynamic

Damn, I was hoping @andyradicalpossumtackler:disqus was onto something here and had just cracked the reveal saved for the end of the series. I guess not.
Fight Club Spoilers
It could be a Tyler Durdan type situations "Naturally, you're still wrestling with it, so sometimes you're still you. Other times, you imagine

Yea, the whole arc of the Matt Smith series makes sense when you write it out but it was hard to follow at the time.
I think that's the downside of short series with Moffat only writing a few episodes, the arcs get so drawn out you forget how they started by the end.
Basically, Matt Smith's first season was about the

Yea, I was expecting that too. I just assumed Danny would be in Kill The Moon despite no sign of him in the trailer.
I was talking to my brother, who was super pissed off they didn't go that route, I guess just having those characters on the show is enough of a reference. They don't really need to dedicated a whole

Maybe it's because I like darker themes in my family fantasy shows but I love this development to his character.
The pseudo-abusive relationship / addiction theme I find really interesting.
When you consider the amount of people the Doctor has let die this season (the body count is seriously high) if he's really just