
I guess I shall give it another try, from the sheer number of people telling me it get's better.
I can't remember what episode I skipped ahead to at the end of season 1 but it didn't impress me, it could have just been a one-off I suppose.
But I'm going to skip ahead (probably straight to season 2) I don't think I could

Wow, this really does seem like a complete repeat of another conversation I had on the AV Club.
Buffy got good by season 2 (that's only 9 hours of bad episode, not 16 hours like Arrow)
I'll just quote my comment from the last time I had this conversation:
"But even at it's worst Buffy was entertaining. The dialogue was

I jumped ahead towards the end of season 1 and still wasn't impressed.
I've been told to watch season 2 many times, in fact I seem to be having this conversation a lot here.
But the problems I had with the show were pretty fundamental, the tone, the quality of the dialogue, the talent of the actors and everything

Not seen Arrow (well what I've seen I've hated) so I'm not up-to-date with that example.
But I like that this is different to other superhero comics, that the character is trying to have her cake and eat it to (seriously what's the point of cake if you can't eat it?).
Buffy partied and fought monsters all the time, I

Those are the only time shown, but the characters are only shown eating food or going to class on rare occasions. But I think we can reasonably assume they do it more often off camera, it's just not interesting enough to make it into the episode.
When you're setting up a character in the first issue it's different (this

Also, despite making a "yucky" face Buffy continues drinking in 'Life Serial' and nothing bad happens because of it.
I don't know if it's explicitly shown but I assumed Buffy drunk in 'Dead Man's Party' and although they get attacked by zombies that has nothing to do with the alcohol. I also think Buffy drinks in the

Yea but Beer Bad sucked and most of those times it was "under-age drinking" not drinking itself. Also Beer Bad was made in an attempt to get funding from a government campaign, not necessarily because the writers believed in it.
Life Serial doesn't have bad stuff happening because of drinking, the message that alcohol

"I'm not sure what is so inherently valuable about the experience of
getting smashed that you would willingly risk your life to do it. "
There's nothing inherently valuable about that but it's what she wants to do. If she wanted to go sky-diving I'm sure she would despite the risks, and going out and getting drunk is

I personally don't think characters should be punished for choosing to have fun, espeailly women being punished for choosing to get drunk and have sex.
That's already a huge cliche in the horror genre and Joss Whedon says on many commentaries and interviews he tried his best to avoid unless it was absolutely necessary

I'd heard about that stereotype but I'd always just assumed it wasn't true.
I would say English 20-somethings go out drinking in real-life about as much American 20-somethings go out drinking in TV sitcoms.

"Ignoring the reality that the Joker has already paralyzed you once, then captured you and threatened to carve your face off"
I would say if you let someone like that dictate your life and stop you having fun, they've already won.

You could say the same about Buffy partying and getting drunk when she knows there are villains out there.
Life is short, she wants to be Batgirl to protect people and go parting and getting drunk, I can get behind that.
That said I've not been reading any Bat-books and I'm only interested now because of this change to

I buy all my comics on ebay, even with postage they tend to be the same price as going to a comic-shop and my local comic-shop is a 50 minute bus ride away.
There is also Comixology if you want to buy comics digitally to read on your tablet/computer, I prefer reading physical copies but I just don't have the space to

That's like complaining the AV Club do an article on the preview for Community saying how great the show is going to be, then do a review of the episode saying how great it is, then do a season recap saying how great it was.
The AV Club is an entertainment review site, their job is to tell you what they like.
You don't

Why would a computer-like memory not be susceptible to alcohol? Just because someone's smart doesn't mean they're immune to the effects of drugs.

I'm 22 myself and I can confirm those people still exist, sometimes they're the same people who also talk about sex, coffee and cell phones.
Also they often smoke weed, in my experience that seems to be the drug of choice for social awkward / nerdy people.
I guess it makes sense, people who get drunk tend to go out

I know.
That's when I realized my drunk-self must be a cool guy because it's exactly the kind of thing I would do.

Most people I know in their early twenties go out drinking as much as they did at university.
They're all TV Production/Computer Animation graduates or aspiring actors if that makes a difference.
The goal seems to be to get a job in London, slowly climb the ladder of the industry by working ridicules hours for very

It's different for different people.
I can't remember a single night from my first term of university. There are clubs which I've been informed I've been to but honestly can't remember a thing about them.
I wouldn't be so drunk that I'd do anything stupid, I didn't even have a hangover the next morning, I just blacked

"irresponsible, dumbass" pretty judgmental words there.
I'm going to treat it like Batgirl #1 it's basically they're second attempt at doing the New-52 version of the character.
Don't comic book characters get rebooted/changed in continuity all the time? Hal Jordan went evil for a while there are probably many others.