
Considering all the other stuff depicted in modern comics, I don't
think anyone can claim the characters are supposed to be "role models"
any more.
I think a certain subset of comic readers are complaining
about it because they're feeling betrayed, they were never one of the
cool-partying-kids and as a defense

Yea, I'm not even sure "black-out drunk" has a socially agreed upon definition.
I once got so drunk, parts of my memory are hazy from before I started drinking.
But if we're following the Always Sunny in Philadelphia dictionary, if you can remember bits and pieces it's a "brown out"…

I shall have to check it out. I'll probably wait for the price to drop on Comixology but seeing as I just got a job (yesterday) I can actually afford comics again (yay) which is perfect timing for jumping on board this.

Ha! Don't act like anyone on the The AV Club gets invited to parties.

"Spot on."

Have you seen this video with Dan Harmon talking about Aspergers? It's really interesting. I also think it says a lot about Dan that when he started writing the show he thought he was Jeff and it was only later on he realized he was Abed.
It makes me wish we'd get more Jeff/Abed scenes in season 6, exploring how

What are those notifications you speak of?

Isn't Harmontown a prequel to Californication?

Damn it.
Someone pointed out that typo in my original post and I forgot to fix it again.
The spell checked on my Mac always defaults to "sexiest" if I misspell "sexist", I don't know what that says about Macs.

Does anyone think the longer wait for Community season 6, means there's a better chance for a season 7?
That almost seems crazy and wrong at this point, although the #sixseasonsandamovie mantra doesn't dictate it has to end there.
I was just wondering if Yahoo where investing this much time in bringing the show back,

Really excited by all the Community news. Getting a Scrubs/Cougar Town veteran on the show seems like a great move, espeailly if they're trying to re-capture that season 1 tone.
Been interested in the documentary for ages. Does anyone know if there's a way to get it in the UK, not through Itunes? I'd rather have a

Have fun ;)
As long as there's not another person involved then it's all good. It's not rape if you do it to yourself, same with assault or murder.

Okay… I never said you were pro-rape.
Just explaining what rape is in a legal sense.
I never accused you of anything and I never said you couldn't be a fan of the film (I certainly am) I just made the point that one of the scenes in the film in it would technically be classed as rape. When you disagreed I offered a

"The characters were decoys, the monotone delivery was to make it so that they could imitate the queen"
I'll accept that the decoys speaking in monotone and portraying no personality was a deliberate choice by Lucas.
Which is why RedLetterMedia used a clip of them as an example of how bland Natalie Portman's performance

Huh, that's funny because I cringe every time someone calls it "show business", it makes me picture a 1950s Broadway show or a short, stocky, balding man with a cigar saying "You're in show business kid".
It just sounds weird, and surely everyone refers to the industry they work in as "the industry".

Really? I did no know that. Seems weird to render all the extra screen real-estate only to crop it off but I'm not complaining.

What's wrong with your faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayce?

RedLetterMedia is great.
It's worth following all the stuff they're putting out at the moment.
Half in the Bag, they're regular movie review show, is good, but Best of the Worst, where they force themselves to watch terrible films, is great, they also occasionally do Wheel of the Worst, in which they watch anything fans

I think that was the point. That the characters/acting was so bland he couldn't tell them a part.
You have to watch those reviews as entertainment and education as much as genuine criticism of the films (although that is part of it).
He's basically teaching a script-writing and directing class but doing it in character

"it doesn't seem like it would have stretched the budget to add more."
Render time is a big deal, you could copy-paste the same person thousands of times in a scene and, if they weren't moving, it wouldn't take any more time to animate but it would take longer to render and time is money.