
They're a dictatorship that took over the galaxy. I guess it depends how much you value democracy. Before watching the prequel trilogy, where Palpatine was voted in (however dubiously), I just assumed all the planets had their own forms of Government and law and the Empire swept through the galaxy taking over.
You can

Yea Clones Wars I heard had a different animation studio and a bigger budget.
Just from the trailers this looks cheaper and I don't know why they went back to the 16:9 aspect ratio after how cinematic Clone Wars looked.

Yea, I think there's a misconception about the level of intoxication to give consent.
A lot of people picture "rape" as someone jumping out of the bushes with a knife and "date rape" as someone passed out unable to speak. Of course both of those situations are rape but it doesn't have to be that extreme.
If someone is

Since when was continuing the relationship conclusive on whether someone was raped or not?
Plenty of husbands used to rape there wives (heck it used to be legal), lots of people in abusive relationships stick around and clearly Marla was upset with their relationship. It was pretty fucked up.
Either way "sex without

She took so many drugs she was unable to give informed consent. Then someone had sex with her. Despite the fact she asked, she'd taken an entire bottle of pills and was delirious so it was rape.

Mystery films/TV do that kind of thing as a red-herring all the time anyway, so I didn't think it ruled anything out.
If he did kill her, they could just explain he was walking himself through it as realistically as possible, essentially method acting for when to get ready to call the police.

That was David Fincher in black-face? Why was this article not about that???
Also I have some seriously sole searching to do about my sexuality due to how I felt seeing David Fincher in drag.

Yea my theater was filled with old people, I was worried they'd walk out but none of them did (other than bathroom breaks), they all laughed a lot (more than me). When we were walking out I only heard good comments, the closest to a negative was "oh, I'd forgotten what she did to him with the box-cutter" and then I

I agree everyone feels pressure but I think it's worse for women.
Problems like anorexia are more common in women and the ideal presenting by the media is more extreme and less achievable in my opinion but both sides have got it bad.

I heard that too, I love that idea that if it's true the the suits thought "That seems fair, it's not like he'll come up with a worse/equally bad line just to spite us. No this won't bite us in the ass at all. Where do I sign?"

It's like people saying "Hitler would like [insert thing they disprove of]"
Maybe he also liked Charlie Chaplin films and I'm not going to let his opinion dictate my choices, that would just be giving him power over my life.
The same goes of misogynists, I'm not going to attack something that's good just because

I'm reticent to call it a "cheat" because it lead to her conflict with the Doctor, he suspected all along it posed no threat to the earth but neglected to share that information which lead to that fantastic showdown in the TARDIS.
But still it was a little too clean, the show isn't going to have to deal with the

Exactly, I think we agree, in fact I was making a very similar point on another article here (the review of the Karen Gillan sit-com Selfie), where I was arguing that the trailer for the show was portraying a sexiest stereotype:
"It's not sexist in itself.
In the same way it's not homophobic to make a show about an

Fixed, just so you look like a crazy person :P

"Since Durden's mental condition… has no real-world analogue it can't really be analyzed with real-world legal standards."
Exactly, I made that point in another comment (somewhere here), it's hard to apply real world law to the fictional situation.
If we treat Tyler (Brad Pitt) as a distinct entity to Jack (Ed Norton)

Yea, it's sad to see how people are becoming increasingly afraid of the MRA and using the fact that they might like a piece of entertainment as an excuse to attack it.
By overreacting like this, it's only making the MRA seem more relevant. They're a nasty, vicious hate group for sure but if we let their existence

The first time Tyler and Marla have sex she's taken a whole bottle of pills that are affecting her mental state.
For sex not to be rape you have to receive informed consent, if someone is on drugs, in prison, or underage they're legally unable to give informed consent

The first time they had sex she was drugged out of her mind. She wasn't in the state of mind where she could give informed consent, therefor what Tyler did was rape.

It's a perfectly valid reason to have a discussion about misogyny but it's possible to do that without accusing the film of being misogynist. At worst it's a film misogynists will enjoy.
12 Years a Slave inspired conversations on racism without anyone accusing it of being racist.

True but even if she wanted Tyler to take advantage of her he had no way of knowing that for sure.
There's a Luis CK stand-up bit where he talks about a woman who wanted him to rape her, she kept saying "no" so he stopped, the next day she admitted she wanted him to ignore her protests.
In that situation, if someone did