
"the authors point about Fincher and misogyny"
The author's point is all over the place, apparently:
Fight Club is misogynist because it portrays a deranged male sociopath raping a woman (and blowing up buildings).
Gone Girl is misogynist because it portrays a female sociopath accusing men of rape (and murdering people).

It's tough with Fight Club because the character's mental problem is heavily fictionalized. He certainly takes responsibilities for all his actions as Tyler at the end of the film but that doesn't mean he should.
Mentally handicapped people committing sexual assault (usually towards their careers) is sadly a very real

*Fight Club Spoilers I guess but it's a little late now*
That's a little more of a grey area with Jack/Tyler.
He has split personalities but each personality seems to be capable of making decisions and has agency/free-will.
You could argue that Tyler raped both Jack and Marla because he used Jack's body to have sex with

Don't make me upset all over again that there isn't a TV adaptation of the amazing Gotham Central comic, starring Alan Tudyk as The Joker and a cameo of Bryan Cranson as James Gordon.
That's one of my dream shows that shall never come to pass.

Can Superman outrun Usain Bolt?

But even at it's worst Buffy was entertaining. The dialogue was always snappy and the characters always likeable so that made the first season more watchable for me (plus it was only 13 episodes not 22).
Season 1 of Buffy had the advantage of a campy B-movie tone and not taking itself too seriously.
There are very few

You just described why I watched Doctor Who from 2005 to 2010. There were the occasional great episodes that made it worth it (2/3 in a season of 13) but for the most part I was watching it because it was required viewing to be a nerdy, British teenager and it was easy to obtain legally.
I wouldn't still be watching

Yea, I guess I never got into Arrow because it wasn't that big in any of the communities I was a part of.
None of my friends/family watch it except my brother and the only discussions I see about it online are the reviews here (which I don't read).
I think it exists because there's a market for it not because the

"The dialogue is poor"
That's a shame, have you seen Arrow? I had to give up in it because of the over-written dialogue (I made a txt document of all the worst lines but I lost it).
I was hoping this series would be the growing the beard moment for these creators, that they'd have learned from their mistakes on Arrow

It's not just a question of personal tastes. I like others shows with the same tone, it's question of quality.
The dialogue is ridiculously over-written, laughably bad in fact. I found most of the acting incredibly wooden and only the detective father character had any charisma.
He was the only character I found

I'm all for giving shows third chances and giving it time to get it right.
But if it doesn't have anything of value in the first 15 hours it's not gong to be high on my list of priorities to revisit.
I really, really, really want a great hour-long superhero drama but I'm not willing to lower my standards. Nothing since B

I've had this conversation before.
I gave it the first 4 episodes of season 1, then skipped ahead to a later episode in season 1 and still hated it.
I heard season 2 is better, so when I have time I'll give it another shot but I'm still skeptical that the turd of a show it was could become something good.
I guess

"Marla is not raped in Fight Club."
I'm not sure about what moment she's talking about exactly. But it could be the fact Marla was drugged out of her mind when Tyler first had sex with her and although she demanded he do it to keep her awake she wasn't in a fit state to give consent.
Which I think is fair to say, if I

Even David Fincher said: "My daughter had a friend named Max. She told me Fight Club is his favorite movie. I told her never to talk to Max again."
He clearly understands why most teenage boys like that movie and disapproves of them.

Yes, I commented on another article, this film will go down with Fight Club as one adopted by idiots who completely misunderstand it.

Very good points. I've only seen the film but I think the book would have to be very different for Nick and Amy to be equally worthy of our sympathy.
By the end of the film I hated both of the characters but only one was a murderer.
And it's important to remember there's a place for evil, psychopathic female characters

Format: Hour-long superhero drama
I love that this is a common description for TV programs at the moment, now we just need one of them to be good.
Looking forward to this and Daredevil.

Drinking age in the UK 18.
At the start Clara says" "She's gone crazy, she's uncontrollable. She stole your psychic paper and has been using it as fake-ID"
Doctor: "To get into museums?"
Clara: "No to buy White Lightening"
I the UK White Lightening is a very cheap, high-alcohol-content cider, favored only by students and

Yea, I let it slide because the Doctor is about to say "it's a funny story actually" before Clara cuts him off to stop him changing the subject.
So the series addressed the fact that it doesn't quite add up with what we've seen.

"If taking the life of an undescript space thingy is the price to pay to
have sunlight and breathable air, I'm very willing to do it"
As did everyone on earth according to this episode but Clara didn't feel that way. She decided it was wrong to kill one thing to save billions, but she very nearly decided to kill it.