Honestly it would be better if they just rolled the fees into the base price.
Honestly it would be better if they just rolled the fees into the base price.
There is a weird dynamic in play here. With social media, you can get rich just by being famous. One of the ways to get famous is being rich, and flaunting it on social media.
I 100% agree with you. He showed off to the point where they had to investigate him. Stupid Ass Boy.
there was a dude named hushpuppy gucci master, same fucking thing. He just ripped off millions from companies and showcased his insane wealth, only to get busted.
Who does that? Uhh...Trump does that!
Oh man, come to Miami. The stupidity of criminals here is only equal to the number of them. There was a time a year ago, when the Feds were going after PPP Loan fraud in full force, where you couldn’t go a week without reading about some idiot being indicted.
I know all about it - watched it happen live on TV. I’m an old... And agree about Reagan. Started the “trickle down” nonsense that has gutted the middle class.
They launched when they launched because Reagan wanted to use the Teacher in Space program as part of the State of the Union address later that day. The government put pressure on the managers at both Morton Thiokol and NASA to override the engineers. They killed a bunch of astronauts because they wanted a few extra…
Fun easter egg on the 2007 Z4 infotainment...
How about some Kraft Mack and Seize...
Clickbait gonna clickbait.
“Pre-conditioning” would be the correct term there. I do that in winter in my Volt (or basically whenever it is less than 50 outside) for a few minutes while still plugged into the house (so not all of the power being wasted to heat the cabin is coming from the car).
A lot of people get busted because they just have to brag to somebody about their crimes.
100% certain he’d be the “C’mon bro - hit me first” type of instigator when confronted by anyone who could put up a reasonable challenge, and then slink back to his vehicle like a coward, but still hurling homophobic slurs and thinking himself the bigger man.
That sounds like something that would require using computers. They weren’t using computers in auto design when I was in Detroit in the 70's; I doubt that anything has changed that much in so short a time since then.
If Mazda ever made the Vision Coupe in that form, I would be at the dealership tomorrow.
You know when you’re bumming around cars.com looking at stuff you’ve got in your mind you’ll buy one day and you find a super nice one listed as a manual and... FUCK, two pedals.