
My understanding is that Honda Prologue and Acura ZDX buyers are suffering through Ultium woes, including things as severe as bricked cars. EV buyers in general tend to be pretty knowledgeable, so it’s not like the majority of them don’t know they’re GM cars in Honda drag (less so for the Prologue, which looks majorly

It’s a nice price, as this is about the going rate for a clean GX 470, but I’m not interested in a 19/20-year-old truck (Toyota or not) at that price.

You may not own the “poor man’s” version at all. There are a lot of people who prefer the 4Runner’s aesthetics (and, frankly, increased space utility) over that of the GX 470. V8 versions of the 4Runner often go for more than their GX 470 cousins.

Lexus interiors are usually durable.”

Go outside and get some fresh air.

I don’t think so. Most people with prime credit know they can do much better than 9.41% 0n a brand-new car. I think they’re just saying “This car is so hot, we don’t have to put any incentives toward it, not even competitive financing.” Even if you last shopped during the pandemic, you’d have to be super oblivious not

It makes sense because Toyota obviously doesn’t want their business from a financing sense. If it did, it would pout up a more competitive rate.

I’m starting to become very anti-Toyota purely because of how insanely greedy the dealers have become. It was hell trying to get a new 2021 Venza Limited, and I did...but it left a sour taste in my mouth.

I think you’ve got an unreasonably large chip on your shoulder.

I took a look at that video. You’d think your limited-edition Detroit Lions F-150 would come with a spray-in or drop-in bedliner. Also, that’s tacky. Sheesh.

The same reason most people aren’t given criminal charges for crashing into other cars while using their phones, unless aggravating factors are involved (like alcohol use, or that they were fleeing from law enforcement when they did it).

You and everyone else. That’s exactly why these cars are worth more to dismantlers than anyone else.

1st order of business would be getting rid of that ghastly Strut grille.

That’s probably because the N54 has a reputation for being seriously expensive to run. But, yes, this is overpriced.

The Infiniti G/Q50/Q60 are in the same category for me as the high-performance Mopars: compelling cars that are absolutely ruined by their owner base. I wouldn’t want to be associated with the sorts of people who terrorize the streets in these cars.

Also, even though it’s a late 6MT coupe with the sport package, that


Even if you disregard the fact that Infiniti likely relied upon its suppliers, this is probably one of Nissan’s most profitable models. The company not making money on the mainstream cars, so it needs high-ATP, high-margin cars like this.

I agree. It looks like it’s giving birth to another car at the rear.

That’s kind of back. Some newer GM cars, for instance, have a “Buckle to Drive” safety interlock, wherein they will not shift into gear unless the driver’s seat is buckled. For now, it’s an opt-in feature (exclusively through Teen Driver on some models and as a standalone on others)...but it’s only a matter of time

That’s fair, but an unbuckled passenger is a hazard for everyone in the car, not just the person who chooses not to buckle up. I’m the last person to shout “Think of the children!” but...the would-be victims of this negligence do include children, who cannot reliably advocate for themselves around irresponsible