
No, I watched many videos, and read books, and attended lectures. Would you call someone who points out that the oil painting of a Flemish master is superior to a print because the print lacks the transparency and light scattering found in layered oil paints, a troll?

Also you used a low carbon steel back welded to the high carbon edge. When it is quenched the low carbon contracts more than the high carbon giving the characteristic arch to the blade that allow the blade to slice as you swing it. The soft steel gives the blade flexibility and strength, the hard steel keeps its edge

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Maybe I'm a tamahagane purest, but something about this doesn't feel authentic.

PS/2, eSATA, MAC serial , come on your missing a few. Where do I plug in my isolinear chips?

I wonder what they leave on the teacher's desk.

Gold members don't bother with public Wi-Fi.

It would probably get opaque when cooked, like shrimp or scollops.

Mouse: the other, other white meat.

I thought it was a boy playing football.

Hungry as a pregnant woman?

Can you be sued for stealing a webpage layout and color scheme?

"Uniting and Strengthening America by Fulfilling Rights and Ensuring Effective Discipline Over Monitoring Act of 2014"

I want one, but I also what to own a home and pay off student debt. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

So there is a direct relationship between financial security and evil? Interesting...

My Nokia fell out of my pocket in my aunt's gravel driveway, it spent at lest a day and a night out there, was rained on and driven over. When I found it the plastic parts had popped apart, I snapped them together again, wiped the mud out of the battery compartment and the damn thing still works, it's been working

They appear to be a generic connector made to the 2x5 header standard because the parts are available.

Qty. 12 (5X2) Shrouded Pin Header connectors

But USB have the 10th pin blocked, without removing a pin you couldn't get the connector in. You could only fit a 1x5-pin single port header.

What type of ports are these? Too many pins for USB.