
My brother worked at a small precious metal refinery when he got out of high school. During the summer the ceiling in the smelting room got to about 140 degrees Fahrenheit. His boots would have a cup of sweat and he would get goosebumps when he walked outside into 90 degree weather. The plastic ceiling fixtures had to

I would like more functionality so I can put my new controllers to use.

Not to say I have experience, but I don't think a slit throat would spay uniformly like that, there would also be a pumping action. It just seemed over the top ridiculous, like something out of a Quintin Tarantino movie.

Now playing

On to of other reasons, this is why it was worth reading the series years ago.

Whenever I was being told off by an adult and thus forced to look them in the eye, I would look through them. I would focus my eyes on a spot directly behind them. As an adult I prefer not to look people in the eye because I am usually busy, cleaning, cooking, driving, watching the kids. I can listen to the radio and

A Portland landmark.

So are Japanese people impressed with cheaper fruit abroad or do they look down on it as misshapened, chemical filled, trashy fruit. I can understand that if you're going to spend that much money for a melon it better be the best melon in the world, but isn't there something to be said about affordable everyday fruit

Sandalwood. (I'll see myself out.)

You know your right. BEGIN THE ANIMAL TESTING! Let's start pumping this shit in some convicts, were running out of pentobarbital anyway.

Do you know what teratogen means in Greek? Monster making.

You should see the plus-sized porcine pink.

There is so much trolling in the world that I don't know how upset/worried I should be anymore. It's like the story of "The Boy Who Cried 'N*****'".

NECAP...Knee cap? Somehow the mob is involved...

I actually just Google it. I didn't' know that "working class" was used as a synonym for lower class. It's confusing because a lot of the working class refer to themselves as middle class even when they can't make ends meet.

Middle class isn't working class?

Doesn't every white western woman aspire to be a feminist?

The rim (corona) of the head(glands) of two penises. One with hirsuties coronae glandis and one without. Hirsuties coronae glandis are also called pearly penile papules. They're solid and painless and occur is more than 1/5 of all men.

We may not have full blown spines but some boys will develop during puberty hirsuties coronae glandis. It is often mistaken for an STI but is completely normal and harmless.

There's a reason it's called CANOLA (CANadian Oil Low Acid) instead of rape(seed) oil.

So when did smiling go out of fashion? And that hair is chemo-chic.