
It took me weeks before I could say Mahmoud Ahmadinejad or Dmitry Medvedev.

Like the assassin from Ninja Scroll with the cunt snake.

Here is the scanlation hosted at tenmanga.

My aunt had a sex book that was called "The Sex Book," it was published in the early seventies and included many nudes. The thing is it also included photos of nude children from prepubescent to mid teens that could be construed as child porn. The children weren't participating in any sexual acts in the photographs

Hate those assholes, the rest of the game is fine but it takes me 15 or more tries to get past them.

Not sure that's how you hold a acetylene torch, but whatever, it looks tough.

There are quail outside so...birder.

This photo was taken last spring. They play a lot. The big kitty is obese, (29 lbs.) we have him on a diet. The little kitty is good exercise for him but every once in awhile gets pinned under big kitty and we hear him screaming through the house.

My boys in Oregon.

When did "fashion" stop meaning "clothes that are warn" and started being "clothes that you wear once on a runway and then put in museum"? Is there an industry term that makes the distinction between serious "everyday" outfits and "shit we thought up while high"?

How about pro-"get the fuck out of my uterus"?

258 Hours, I...have no life.

"It puts the potion on its skin or else it gets the hose again."

Should be blue, what part of a cooling system should be glaring red? Red says I'm about to melt down, not everything is cool and easy.

The way the apostle Paul intended?

Is this religious dietary thing are there really people who worry about the maybe quarter cup of 15% ABV wine they could ingest.

My dad had to take strong anti-coagulants after he developed DVT. They were self administered to his stomach fat, and if he accidentally cut himself it would bleed a long time. The needle pricks to administer the anti-coagulants would bleed a surprising amount.

I know, I'm from Oregon and this is the first I've ever heard of them; they're like a Joann Fabrics or a Micheal's, only filled with church ladies and overachieving mothers instead of interior decorating lesbians and emo art majors.

I always read Lagerfeld quotes with a pouty German accent.