
No worries man, glad to help. Your take was so simpleminded I just felt like I had to reach out.

This shows you lack a basic understanding of stocks. If investors are unhappy they can band together and vote to remove leadership. But the only “investment” is the first time someone buys stock directly from GM. This hasn’t happened at a large scale in a very long time. Buying and selling of stocks is mostly from

My dad lives in middle Illinois, on about $100k. He has 1 HS age kid, and 1 college age kid. His house cost about $120k, add 10k here or there for small remodels. I can tell you that he’s categorically fine, and he lives a pretty reasonable life, but “BANK,” it isn’t. I also grew up in south western PA in one of the

So is UAW overpaying or are they paying just enough? You are going back and forth

The planning ahead should have happened about 7 years ago. Right now it’s pretty easy to make the point that it’s hopeless.

What other labor job that requires no education/experience starts you out at $35k-$40k/yr with the potential to make six figures someday?

GM isn’t capitalizing. If they were selling a ton of stock to fund growth this would make sense, but they aren’t they’re just keeping investors happy by boosting the stock price and paying dividends. They’ve done this at the cost of old and uncompetitive product lines, and their employees. It’s just an example of

All depends on perspective right. I mean, if we extinct ourselves and everything else due to global fucking, then at least long-term, the planet gets some relief because we’re you know... dead.

I vote we change the term from “climate change” to “global fucking”. I think it’s more accurate and to the point.

I have no confidence in the Senate actually carrying anything out. Unless the quid pro quo is explicit and so obvious that there’s no wiggle room, they’re going to deflect all day every day. If they actually remove Trump from office their psycho base will fucking revolt and the GOP will implode. I’m not saying that’s

I hope you’re right But I know a few Bernie supporters that are ride or die for that dude. And I’ll be honest, he’d be my candidate, but I’d vote for Warren in a hot minute. I also voted for Hillary. Not everyone feels the same way though.

I find your confidence in our ability to get a candidate compelling enough to vote him out of office troubling. The DNC is STILL doing everything it can to be as milquetoast as possible.

I’d be more concerned about maintaining it if I were driving it with any kind of regularity.

No. That’s a 997, round headlights, and you can tell it’s 997.2 because the tail-lights are LED. I believe that makes it 2009 - 2011.

I don’t think anyone thought the C7 interior was sub-par. Certainly, a Cayman will feel more “luxe,” but I doubt GM is going to move backward here. If the Cayman were still V6, I’d still get the Cayman over this car, it’s smaller, lighter. And if I could swing it, used Evora over both. But I think the C8 will

Got it - move the goalposts much? No one said anything about a 20k suspension. You’re going to need to tell me where the campers hurt you.

Dunno, most of my uber eats delivery people are on bikes.

You can Uber Eats most McDonalds. It beats waiting in the drive thru for that extra few bucks. 

I think you need to look up the difference between hitting trails and overlanding. It seems like you have trouble following the thread of conversations and are more concerned with jumping out with the “gotcha”.

Lol - Gobi doesn’t have magic welds. Outgear solutions and a ton of other outfits make really top-end roof racks for nowhere near what Gobi charges.