
Yeah. I know nothing about camera technology, but when I go on vacation, I’ve stopped packing this thing unless I’m going to a beach because it basically does nothing I need, and it looks like absolute hell in anything resembling low light.

New cars aren’t for the rich, new cars are for the middle class, it’s just that the real middle class is probably earning in the top 10% in this country because shit costs a ton.

Sounds good, bring the books.

That’s cool, are you planning to come over then? Will you read me Capital, or Grundisse? Maybe then you’ll be able to tell me if either of those or Wealth of Nations were written first…?

That car fucks

Cool. You can Google titles. What about dates?

No, I have the gall to imply that you not only haven’t read Marx, but that you don’t even know when Marx wrote his treatise. Or when Adam Smith wrote his book.

I’m sure Marx considered scale. He also did this before aviation, interstate highways, and literally almost anything that connects the entire world. His practical concept of scale is almost 200 years old.

Uh what? Societies had already scaled way up before capitalism. And I’m Peruvian, and my dad was a cultural anthropologist that did a bunch of research into Amazon and Andean communities, while I was growing up and moving around with him. So please, do teach me about societies in the Amazon.

I know it must be really hard to parse scale - but it’s right there in the first few sentences above. I bet if you try really hard, you might be able to tell the difference between what macro is, and what micro is.

I’m not sure I understand this comment. Are you suggesting that after the collapse of capitalism that somehow we will come awake to the fact that communism was always the answer?

I buy the “my next daily should be an EV” argument. I’ve had similar feelings except for the high price point for a depreciating asset that essentially has a sunset within 10 years.

Meanwhile I’m a 41 year old man and I’m still in love with Andie Macdowell

Errmmnnn. When Tesla started ramping up, when I was in B school and I did a case study on them. I was all about it. They had developed a car that although cost near or more than some S Classes, didn’t feel outclassed in performance. The interior was spartan but forward-looking, and the company was marketing a vision

I dont know if other people are calling this out but - my feeling is that despite the most journalists’ takes that Twitter will go down because of all of this - I think we failed to learn our lesson from Donald Trump. This may end up being a bad overall investment for Elon - but don’t expect the ship to just go down

Due to Kinjas fucking endless regression into the shittiest platform branded as an “improvement” - I had to log in twice to give you a star and get you out of the grays. 

I think her decapitated head prank was in poor taste but I also don’t think it’s black and white. Kathy Griffin is not and never will be in a position powerful enough to threaten a sitting president - and power dynamics matter. If my kid tells me he’s going to hit me - I can tell him that’s not nice and laugh it off.

I keep waiting for their endless moves to up their prices and more competition to start doing them some damage, but it seems that there are still plenty of people ready to go into hock much more than I would for a car. 

Depends on what you define as rude. For example. Non sequitur financial advice might be considered not only rude, but also condescending. There’s a better than even chance dude in the letter knows what you’re saying more than you do, and what’s more probably has already lived a life full of those types of decisions.

Regardless. Still none of your business. Dude asked a question about cars in a car blog. Go get your finance advice jollies off elsewhere.