
I owned several GoPros i used to be a big fan until I bought the 10. The hypersmooth works great but now it needs more light than ever to work properly. It’s not smart enough to make adjustments when you go indoors and you have to manually change the profile to turn off hypersmooth because even on it’s lowest setting

100% this, and what were once middle class basics are being priced out of the actual middle class, and one of the consequences is exploding personal debt to remain in the perceived middle class. Housing, education, health care, and now new cars...

I think the power dynamics portion is key here. She was targeted for investigation for months by the Secret Service, the Justice Department, and was put on the No Fly List. I understand that they need to investigate credible threats against the president, but nothing about that photo or Griffin herself posed a

Oooohhh! Now we’re getting all juicy here. Now I feel like my life is an utter failure and my feelings are so terribly hurt because some anonymous person on the internet made some random insults. Ain’t it amusing? We can all be our own keyboard warriors and say whatever we want to invisible people we will never meet

The most “problematic” thing about this whole scenario, is you calling out Nye as a sellout. You go to great lengths to explain how coke has a huge problem with waste, yet somehow insinuate it’s Bill Nye’s fault for making a commercial. Bill Nye has done more in his 66 years on this planet to educate children and

Says the person that seems to waste more time commenting on jalopnik articles than anyone else. your life must be stressful having to constantly calculate how much money you’re not making.

I am very proud of my people. Living in US, feel helpless to some extent, but seeing so many great projects go up in all sectors to help is empowering.. and frankly seeing this story, comments from you on my daily read here is amazing. Really feels like the world is behind us. In the past, if felt a bit for show

Cripes, deadspin is nearly unreadable.  I keep going back about every two months or so and I’m losing hope...

Is this just a pure numbers increase (like in 2020 5 bagillion used cars were sold at an average of $X, and in 2021 there were 5 bagillion cars that sold at an average price of $X+40%)?

Depends on how much they cash out, but assuming they’re paying back multi-million $ loans at Long Term CG rate, it would be 20%. But yes thats still less than even a middle class yearly tax bracket. Long Term CG tax is broken and can easily be fixed imo. Maybe a long time ago, calculating effective tax rate over long

Weird that you’re scolding others for “not understanding money” and then go on to imply stock shares aren’t a liquid asset.

I agree with almost all of that except that it works pretty well. There were highlights. I think the concept of the story worked better than the story. Smith 2.0 wanting revenge not on Neo, but his captor was a great idea, but then went no where. The meta felt over used in the beginning, but the movie still felt like

If the deal was consummated on the Dealers lot, and the freelance represented the Dealer, then yes the Dealer is culpable for all monies.

I bought a Chrysler T&C about 20 years ago from a Chrysler dealer (is there such a thing as a legit dealer?). Title delayed. They said Chrysler’s finance arm was swamped. I finally showed up in person, demanded satisfaction. Said they were violating NJ law by not producing a timely title, and I was violating NY law by

I mean, you go to a dealer expecting a conman for a salesman, but maybe not this level of conman.  

I’m glad I live and buy cars in Ontario Canada, where you get the car - with title and plates, all at once. If you already have plates the dealer gets them transferred to the new car by the Service Ontario office where the title change is processed. If you buy from a dealer you get clear title - guaranteed by OMVIC.

I paid cash for a car and they threw on temp tags and told me it would probably be 2-3 weeks before I got the title in the mail. My temp tags expired before I ever saw that title, I ended up getting a ticket because they dragged their feet mailing a piece of paper. 

Internet comments are full of perfect market timers.

And eventually, no matter how hard the original organizers try to stop it, eventually, sooner or later, some assholes will show up to roll coal, rev engines, do burnouts, and plow a Mustang into a crowd. Car meets have a limited lifespan, you gotta get in early before the assholes show up and take it over, and then it

Unfortunately most of the cool C&C meets with cool interesting cars come from upper class areas.  NIMBY and Karen’s are rather thick in those areas.