
I wasn’t aware that golf club fitment was a primary roadblock for performance car purchasing? Are there any statistics to back this up? I drive to golf courses and mostly I don’t car pool. My 911 has vestigial back seats and mostly my clubs just go in the passenger seat. One dude at the local course drives a Triumph

I love that you’re indignant about something that has no relevant statistics to support it. Did golf bags become the primary road block against buying sports cars? Who is GM alienating? Do dudes just pack their ride every time they go golfing? Or could they just stick their clubs in the passenger seat? As a frequent

Anyone who’s primary concern is where they’ll stick their golf clubs in their sports car is clearly using it wrong. Those are the people more interested in being seen rather than driving something that’s fun to drive. 

You’re 100% right. I had always heard from HR people that it was the rule of thumb, but doing a little reading it says you should estimate between 20%-40% extra on top of a base salary to employ someone, but that includes benefits all-in.

Yes - they arent that expensive either.

It costs a company 40%-50% above and beyond your wages to employ you just in payroll taxes and social security. Add other benefits, and you’re probably pretty close to costing $60.

The resemblance to the 4Runner is mostly in the price. Because at $39K I’ll buy a 4Runner all day every day and twice on Sunday. Jesus Christ, $40k for a Rav4?

Lol - yeah, I used to try to mow my lawn with those things on in the Florida heat. It sucked bad. I got the Jabra 65T Elite Actives and sold the Bose. I’ll say this for Bose, the resale value was excellent.

I had the QC35 - and while they were excellent, I don’t think the price was justified in sound quality or noise cancellation over the cheaper wireless bluetooth options available today. Even for the frequent traveler, I can actually reasonably fall asleep on a flight with my earbuds in, have nearly as good noise

The IRS knows how much you made, they also know the taxes you paid. They have it in computers. If it’s in computers, it’s in databases. If it’s in databases, it’s balls easy to auto-generate a tax return - have the taxpayer review it, make an addendum and sign off, and go on their way. This would save consumers money,

Eh. Some people just like something stripped down for driving down the backroads and the highways. Maybe it’s not the majority of people, but for everyone lusting over an air-cooled Porsche or a vintage NSX - the Evora S is now in your price range, and they’re fantastic. 

MJ. Wilt. Kobe. Lebron. And it isn’t close. 

So someone is running an anti prime day PR campaign. Got it.

I’m pretty solidly against any “respect the flag” narrative, on either side of the debate. Disrespecting the flag is some pretty classic civil disobedience. I’m for it. That said, I don’t wear the flag on anything except if it happens to be on a sports jersey, and it has nothing to do with respect, and more to do with

Usually when someone makes a generalization like, “It would be naive to assume...” I assume, they’re on shaky rhetorical ground.

Are all the releases you’re talking about coming under the Walt Disney Pictures brand or are you just saying Disney properties?

Obviously no data to support this, but I wonder if the traction control nannies paradoxically create unsafe situations because drivers can be more aggressive with the throttle - hoping the system will bail them out. A la the football vs. rugby injury thing where pads allow players to basically weaponize their bodies.

I haven’t been keeping tabs on Disney movie lineups, but it certainly feels closer to 80 - 90 percent of their current movie strategy, 33.333333...% seems low.

Yep. The biggest downsides of the current switch have nothing to do with its size, and everything to do with the crap screen and outdated hardware.

Miami tends to have a lot of exclusive cars, but the week the Urus was launched I saw two of them just in the town of Miami Lakes. Maybe what they should have done is made the SUV more exclusive instead of essentially an Audi chassis with a Porsche engine.