
As far as I understand it - these numbers are for new cars. So - transaction prices could be going up for two main reasons:

Uhh... no. At the very most there was some continuity from the original through the G-Body (1989) - but even that’s a stretch. The 964 and certainly the 993 are significantly different cars. Not only do they look different, but they drive a lot different. Ask me how I know.

I wasn’t talking about Facebook - and neither was Woz.

I’m talking in general. Woz is saying in general privacy intrusion is inescapable but that people should be able to pay for privacy. Facebook isn’t a right. Privacy should be. Facebook’s business model shouldn’t be entirely based on lax laws for privacy. 

No offense to Woz, but taxing people’s privacy seems like a really shitty solution. Do we want something that should be a right to skew rich?

I love the arms race. I’m sticking with the 65T for now, but I can’t wait to see what the next generation of truly wireless earbuds bring. 

Pisses me off that we won’t get the hatch here. But every once in a while I throw around the idea of getting a GLA45 after 3 - 4 years of a depreciation curve that looks like a congressional approval rating.

Basking in which hate? The one you are fomenting? I don’t hate you dude. I just think you have no idea what you’re talking about and you’re being led like a sheep. I also just think you started a discussion that wasn’t really about what you said it was about. Bottom line is whether or not people are in cages under

Obama said manufacturing jobs weren’t coming back. They haven’t dummy.

Hahah, you’re slimy as all get-out. I gave you my solution, you chose to ignore it to write trite platitudes.

So then why are you hung up on whether Obama did it or not? Sounds like you’re looking for a way to justify it? Pretending like there’s no solution is just another way to hide the fact that you’re immoral.

This is totally disingenuous. There’s no arguing that the media isn’t biased. That’s a fact. Whether it’s Fox, Breitbart, or CNN, it’s all biased. But the fact is, you should be outraged at Trump because of what’s happening right now. And if the facts bore out that similar outrages were carried out under Obama, you

What’s the argument you’re making? Why is 15 dollars the threshold to increase investment in automation? Or are you just saying anything over the current minimum wage? Is that a reason to keep people on wages they can’t live on?

Someone said to use the handle of a teaspoon on here. Can corroborate, this works, it’s thin enough to get under the membrane, and dull enough to work it loose without tearing it.

You’re hiding behind a semantic argument while missing the point. If I had said, “real wages” would you be clinging so hard to your reality?

Hell I grew out of those things at 35.

You need to look at the high low and mean of the fourth quintile - it’s probably closer to 30%. And even then - with wage growth skewing to the top 20% it starts looking worse. And used car inventories are shrinking. There’s no glut. This problem will continue as the average age of cars rises. So essentially - wrong

After the Cayenne saved Porsche this is a real shocker!

Hell yeah! Even longer term loans and a longer period of time being upside down on their loan sounds like a great idea.

If sales are declining - and they want to grow - I’d say.. probably not.