
Here’s a question. My 3-year-old is in a phase where he pretty much needs reverse-psychology for everything. If he’s in the bath and I want him to turn the water off because the tub is full enough. I have to say “Ok, just a little longer,” and he will turn it off himself, but if I say “Time to turn the water off,” he

It’s an erection. 

I think that I’d have to understand what the difference between “Poor” and “Good” was in practical day to day performance, and I’m willing to bet both fall within the range of “Safe” which means it’s probably fine.

Or - retrofitting better headlights into their cars and then not aiming them properly.

Yes - I was thinking this too. As long as you’re not saying anything untrue, I think as a patron, I’d want to know this shit was going on.

You’re right. Talking about the crushing debt we saddle on our children is definitely “dragging us through the mud.” Counterpoint: just because people believe something is a good economic idea doesn’t make it political. You should probably start reading and learn about stuff instead of making knee-jerk statements.

Fair - and I love me some cars. I have an air-cooled 911 in my garage. But I think the “boring” thing isn’t always the case.

Fair - and thanks for the heads up so I don’t buy one - but:

In the past Mazdas have been pretty shitty, but at least according to my last consumer reports review, the later Mazda 3s are actually pretty reliable.

Lol - fair point. MY BAD.

Yes. And?

Eh. Sure. It does happen, I’m just saying that statistically, it seems to happen more with Subaru than maybe it should. It’s not like Subaru’s QC problem is new, they had a class-action lawsuit like 5 years ago over faulty piston rings in engines...

I think your problem is that the comparable cars you’ve owned/listed are also not particularly reliable, so it’s a reasonably low bar. A much higher, (and probably unrealistic bar) is that my 4Runner has never had an unplanned mechanic visit. At 140k miles I had to replace the starter contacts. Other than that, just

Lol - so around $22k just in tuition for a standard semester. Sounds super affordable. Add living expenses and you should be able to pay cash for a reasonably equipped Mercedes PER SEMESTER.

nice - except the current cost is already exorbitant. Part of this is due to endless cuts in funding over the years, but part of it is also that Universities have become these financial nightmares where they pay an army of adjuncts jack shit, but still somehow run up huge expenditures.

And now, I’m willing to bet the cost for NYU is much higher, even factoring in inflation. So imagine what kids have to do now, if they even bother going.

I’d get the LC at the price - but what you’re paying for is something you don’t get with the Benz, pretty much impossible to beat longevity. The Mercedes will be faster, tighter, more fun to drive, and endlessly more expensive long term.

Ding ding ding - and not only that, but the only people REALLY paying attention right now are going to skew Democrat. Which is why these doom and gloom for Trump polls are WAY too early, and probably paint a rosy picture for Democrats that doesn’t exist.

The hell are you saying. On what basis are you saying that locking these people up in cages is better than their home country? And even if that were the case, you realize saying “I’m beating you, but at least I’m not killing you” doesn’t make the beating ok.

Yeah that’s a mistake I’d probably make too