
I was disappointed when this didn't work for me either. Then I just chopped off either end of the garlic clove and tried again. Worked fairly well for my standard - Publix garlic.

As people drop out - it really depends on who reaps those votes. I’m a Bernie dude but he’s having trouble resonating with enough people. I worry about Warren because I think she loses a popularity contest with Trump, no matter what the polls say. Honestly no matter what the polls say I have my doubts about Biden vs.

As someone who deeply hopes this guy isn’t the eventual nominee; if it’s between him and Donald Trump - please do vote for him.

I’d posit that as trite as it sounds - with the life these politicians lead - their wives probably do need heroic constitutions. 

If only his perspective weren’t contagious. We voted this dude into office.

Agree with you. Just amazed with what people spend on cars without really needing to. 

Lol. Children aren’t that rare. And no. Not every car is reliable for 15 years. And certainly not one that costs 50k unless it’s a Toyota or Lexus.

OK - so let me make sure I have it all.

I was making a ballpark number and you started to engage on whether or not one was contributing enough to their 401k homie. I dont particularly want to have a specific discussion about my retirement position or my specific household income and expenses. That number is not the number I exist at. And I don’t really wish

I was pretty much just naming a ballpark number based on what I’m seeing. My household doesn’t make EXACTLY 150k either. Do you want to get into specifics?

Lots of metro areas besides San Francisco and NYC have a high enough cost of living where 10k isn’t that much. Median home cost in Miami is 360ish. The reality is it’s closer to 400 - 450 for an actual 1500 (or smaller) sq foot house, but whatever. Condos or apartments are cheaper but then tack on HOA and it’s a wash.

Depends. I live in Florida. No state tax. 8500 a month of you’re in a reasonably high state tax state and 5% 401k contribution. We could get into a debate about this but I’m right. It’s really not that hard to make a spreadsheet to calculate your taxes, fica, and pretax deductions to figure out your take home. 

Where was I talking about me?

I’m fine with it as long as the social services encourage entrepreneurship by providing safety nets. All I’m saying is that the amount you have to make and the % of earner you have to be to make a $1,000 car note not matter is pretty shocking. A $1,000 payment is pretty close to a $55k loan at current rates/terms. 

There are worse places for your mind to take you.

Uhh - to get to that number you’d have to have around a 165k note. That’s a hell of a Porsche. You’d be paying 20k in interest, but that’s near GT3 money if you count the 10% down.

How did we get here? All I was noting is that in 2019 - clothes for men usually seem to trend toward a better-fitting and cleaner look than they did in 2000.

I’m just curious. For various reasons I had the opportunity to calculate take-home pay in different states across different wage ranges in the past month, and it was pretty shocking what a pretty damn high wage brought home, and it made me think that most people with cars around where I live are pretty over-extended

I dunno - I think men’s fashion has definitely stepped it up vs 20 years ago...

What do you consider a “high” housing expense on a take home of 10k