
Safely doesn’t always jive with the rules in place. Just saying. Cops should spend less time enforcing speed, and more time enforcing things like proper merging and lane discipline. 

I’d be more concerned with 7 years after the launch - Tesla is doing “refreshes” to an old as hell design.

Maybe. All I can tell you is how I would feel about it. I feel like if there’s ultimately a big ‘L’ at the end, there’s no moral victory.

Maybe. But my feeling is that Mueller is enough of a stick that had that been the case, he would have gone for it.

The problem isn’t whether Pelosi can impeach him - the problem is whether or not an impeachment has the force to sway the Senate to actually remove him.

I won’t touch this game with a ten foot pole because first person shooters require time in order to be decent and a LOT of time to be good, and as a 37 year old with a full time job, a house, and a toddler, I don’t have any time.

Not sure how we got to robots. I was just saying labor has low bargaining power. 

Oh man, I hope you’re right. Labor’s share of GDP has been declining for a long time and I think the quarterly cycle and lack of labor bargaining power are the primary drivers.

I think ultimately there are some opposing ideas here. The medicine stockholders need is to face the reality that as long as wages stay stagnant - they’re in for a long term decline. We’re going to see it first in the car market because outside of homes - it’s our biggest purchase. Americans are leveraging themselves

The economics are also that even though sales and cash are high - it’s mainly on the back of rising prices - not more volume. I think even truck sales peaked over a decade ago. Raising prices can only go so far. Ford has fundamental problems. 

OR - it’s one truck being swallowed by another bigger truck from behind.

My wife has a GTI that I love so I realize saying this pretty much counter to how I actually live, but I still struggle with “Premium” or “near luxury” sedans with FWD.

May is a much better car critic. That said- Clarkson is much more qualified than a lot of people simply because he’s driven everything. And as much as I like him as an entertainer, his writing is even more exquisite. 


I guess we will see homie. I just wanted you to put your data into some perspective. Hard to visualize award winning analysts when you won’t do the bare minimum. 

Yes - dude, please explain economics to me when you can’t parse the difference between exiting a market because it’s a shit market, and exiting a market because you’re not an effective competitor, while failing to acknowledge that your competitive issues stretch through a bunch of other car lines.

Here’s some other not Ford opinions:

Sorry - wasn’t aware that Ford HQ was just - batting 1.000. I should have known based on their bang-up stock performance. Looks like -50% over four years? Awesome. I’ll just let everyone know that the only people qualified to have opinions about Ford are people working in Ford. Come to think of it - that’s fairly

Mercedes still sells sedans. So does BMW. Doesn’t matter if they have 15 CUV models.

Lol. Ford is currently shit for market share on 30% of the market. So instead of fixing its competitive problems - it decided to tuck tail and run. Those same competitive problems exist for them in the CUV space. Unless they fix it - as interest rates climb they’ll continue to get fucked.