
I think Ford makes a great truck. But I think long term they are making plays that will shrink the company in terms of market share not grow them. So when all of these dummies come out to defend Ford making “business decisions” it’s important to remind them that the actions that lead to these hard business decisions

Probably. Their current CEO says he wants to monetize “car data”. I’m sure that’s going to work out fine. 

The European cars are refreshes based on the same platform as the previous generations. I’ll believe it when I see them actually roll out the all-new car. All evidence points to them doing a similar restructuring in Europe down the road.

Viewed in isolation, that 150k looks big. Incrementally is it outside of declines in other segments? What % share of overall loss is it? How does that match with overall % share of sales?

Plus Disney just acquired Hulu...

You know what else is part of managing a business? Paying attention to market share and competitive product lines. I’m 100% behind you that Ford probably needs layoffs, they’re just laying off the wrong people. Instead of making better products while interest rates were low, they jacked up prices and boosted profits

Absolutely. But here’s Ford’s last decade:

“Except Rome was canceled, with HBO making the tough decision to ax the show before its second season even aired in order to save money on maintaining production resources in Italy. It’s rare that networks ever admit that ending a show was a mistake, but HBO executives later did, at least privately. Actors such as

Man I really tried to get into The Pacific. But I couldn’t. The wire was great for a few seasons then lost me. 

I liked John Adams as a historical thing - but the sort of soliloquy-driven theater-like writing for Deadwood was really compelling. The quality dropped as they were forced to wrap things up- but compared to the nosedive that GOT took, Deadwood’s fade feels Oscar worthy.

Guilty on the Ballers thing. It sucks pretty bad. The storyline is terrible. But as I said, I turn it on to have some noise while I’m tinkering in the garage. I put in my earbuds and play the stuff so I don’t have to hear saws and other power tools screaming in my ears. Sue me.

I’m sticking around to watch the Deadwood movie because behind Band of Brothers, Deadwood was HBO’s strongest work. And I’m going to go ahead and wrap up Ballers because it’s mindless, stupid bullshit that I can play while I do work in my garage, I can miss entire segments of it and not care (Entourage....but with

All the 550 spyders I’ve seen are on a tube chassis. 

No idea - my pocketbook doesn’t rate test drives in 200k cars. But if it was super floppy I’d hate it. They did used to race the hell out of them so I dunno...

Dunno - I have an air-cooled 911 and was looking into whether I’d rather spend my money on a speedster replica or a real 356 coupe, and did a fair amount of reading. From what I remember - overall, people much preferred the tube chassis variety and cited handling differences. Not an engineer, but I’m pretty sure even

Yeah but you’ve removed the roof, which is a major part of the overall stiffness. Imagine an egg, and how strong that is, now cut it in half with the open side upward. Force coming from the bottom is fine, but side to side and top to bottom is now fucked.

I actually want a replica speedster - but here’s the thing. I’ve heard really bad things about beetles cut up to look like speedsters. Apparently they flex to all get-out. So I’d rather pony up the extra money to get one of the better replicas made over a tube chassis. CP.

I only hope we can get our shit together enough to vote this dude out of office and all of his buddies in the senate come 2020. 4 more years are going to be rough. 

I struggle with my own reaction. You’d think that detaining babies and neglecting them would be a line for me where I’d go apeshit - but here I am. My own family, my mortgage, my career, they feel more precious than my self-respect. It fucking sucks.

“... We are better set up to be successful (at holding all of the cards and making all of the decisions unilaterally) without the framework of a union. I feel that it is important to be clear and honest with you about our thinking on this.”