
I like Jeeps. But it’s pretty hard to argue that Jeep gives you value for the money. You have to pay a pretty high price for the serious off-road capability and the standard features suck pretty bad. I’m all in for a basic car. But not one pushing 40k. Jeep sells well because #brands. 

Tom! You guys need to kill this narrative dead. I’d buy that sedans and small hatchbacks are less popular due to increasing efficiency and capability in CUVs. But the idea that those markets suck so bad in the US that Ford and GM are justified in just getting out, ignores the fact that there are hatchbacks and sedans

I think they are referring to the fact that the Challenger platform is from around 2005 - and based on a Mercedes platform that underpins the W210 E Class - which came out in like 1996. It was pretty heavily tweaked I think, so it really was fairly new in 2005, but that’s nearly 15 years old now...

It’s an AMG badge, and a trim package. They’ve basically legitimized the people that just smack AMG badges on their C300.

But it’s not a real AMG. 

For a car weighing right at 3000 lbs. yes. But not for a sedan pushing 3500 lbs. the correct amount there is 350. 

As someone who wants to see the Germans succeed here - and the Audi is STUNNING in a way no one will ever say about Tesla:

Whoa whoa whoa - more talented ACTOR? Both of them have some fairly serious B-list cred.

I think based on their previous performance. We should just trust that Boeing is doing the right thing. 

Also neoliberal 1. a modified form of liberalism tending to favor free-market capitalism.

Yeah, but that’s kind of the point isn’t it. There can be a ton of reasons, or multiple reasons at once that sedans aren’t selling well.

That’s categorically untrue. It also depends on how and WHEN you define shareholder value. Right now - shareholder value is mostly about dividends and day to day value.

Got it, but this article doesn’t point the finger at Neo-liberalism. Also Neo-liberalism is pretty ill-defined these days. Some seems like some people that identify as Neo-liberal have some pro-regulation tendencies, so I think you need to define what you mean more narrowly.

Ok, first, I think you’re bonkers/nuts for saying the shareholder value thing is a neoliberal thing.

Sure, let’s talk honestly about Hitler’s leadership. He was a demagogue, that used scapegoats and propaganda, capitalizing on fear to create a horrific, facist government, I’m not really seeing any positives here. Why would any leader want to model even the MEANS by which he lead, leaving aside the outcomes.

Hitler wasn’t a “good” leader. He used social fears and demagoguery to manipulate a public into participating into one of the most horrific events of the 20th century.

I run 16s on my sports car with a faaaat sidewall. Add some dish to the wheel and I think it looks better on most cars.

That’s better - something is totally off about the wheels on the original post as well. The stance is also weird. Maybe the tires have thinner sidewalls?

I have an idea - someone should make a speech where they put an empty chair beside them, and pretend it’s Beto!

Nah - I don’t know actually. I am just scared.