
Everyone can be a charlatan, and consultants are no exception. When you have small companies, I’m not surprised when I see average people. But with industry giants, it’s odd when I see VP and above execs have no grasp on basic economic tenets, or marketing.

Eh. I’m not saying there aren’t pressures that necessitate higher cost, but car companies also feed into it. If VW can build a GTI with bluetooth and rear cameras and custom fender sound systems and sell it for $26k, then not all of these numbers are driven by necessity. American cars are consistently underwhelming in

First Gear: 

I’m from Peru, and one of the things my grandfather would have for breakfast, is when sliced bread got too old, they’d cut it in little squares like crackers and toast it to a cracker - like consistency. Pureed olives with a little oil instead of butter was his go-to. The dryness and relative thickness of the toast

Sorry - do you have a PhD in rice? I do. Just kidding. I have an MD/PhD in Rice.

84 b in revenue. Not profits. 

Yes. Mine has traces of tarragon and an aftertaste of fresh mint and spices. And feels like angel wings.

Lol, yes dude. Rinsing is rice 101.

Is it a stock photo that resembles the “perfect rice” he gets from the instapot?

Basmati and Jasmine are both long-grained. I’m just reacting to the photo he shows. If that’s the rice that comes out of the instapot, then it certainly isn’t my perfect rice.

the picture you show is sticky rice.

Gotta ask, but I bet this depends on how you like your rice. I definitely do not like mine sticky, and I feel like the instapot does this.

When what you did is use cocaine the night before to stay up and drink, the next morning will eventually lead to a burning desire for sleep.

Here’s something they could do. Take home less money to investors and pay the rank and file better. A consumer economy - even a global one - needs viable consumers. Big corporations seem dead set on keeping labor costs low while ramping up profits. It’s totally zero sum. I sincerely hope their constantly increasing

Considering a well-maintained iPhone 5 is still a viable phone, I think that’s pretty much when we hit peak iPhone. It’s just this idea that they can keep milking the same market with ever-increasing prices, while that market has flat wages. They’ve been able to keep selling because of their leasing program, but ask

My favorite thing about this rationalization apart from it being massive hyperbole. Is that it applies REALLY well to gun control and mass shootings in schools. Assuming it’s very rare, it happened, and it happened to a ton of children. But somehow, that one is just a bridge too fucking far.

I wouldn’t be surprised if the Dems cave on this.

That doesn’t make any sense. If it gets more than it’s fair share of tickets it is because it does so despite its popularity. If it gets more tickets BECAUSE of the popularity of the color then you aren’t controlling for share of market and it isn’t necessarily “disproportionate” at all. 

I’d have the GLA over the CLA. For me the GLA just steps up the crazy slightly more with that silly wing and just looks the part. The CLA proportions are effing weird.

I don’t think there’s really the next big thing to be had. When they made the iPhone it was a pretty logical step, moving from MP3 players into phones to basically mini computers. It was already going to happen they just put it all together.