
Yeah, someone misspelled “Toyota 4Runner”

I don’t think he hand-picked the phrase because he’s a racist and doesn’t care, but I do think he doesn’t care, and therefore used a dumb idiom. “Cotton pickin’” IS based on a pejorative idea pretty solidly rooted in slave plantations. In the same vein as “r——d” or “g-y” which are things we used OFTEN as kids in the

Whether or not they are sharing it, they are definitely aggregating data about you across multiple platforms in ways I would consider dubious. It may be the status quo going forward, but people aren’t really aware of it as much as they should be. Not saying Apple isn’t doing the same, but just that Google is

I’ve rarely been on a test drive where I got free rein to go wherever I wanted. Most salesmen actively try to get me to take a planned route. It’s pretty annoying.

If that’s the case though, they should create a solution where battery replacement becomes easier. Instead you need to go to an Apple Store, pay a significant amount of money (after the current promotion ends), and then wait for them to tell you they won’t replace the battery because the phone has other issues which

I think there’s a really wide spectrum between the line people seem to have drawn where civility exists and actual violence. The rhetoric makes it sound like Democrats are out on the street with torches, when instead the opposite has been true. The right has literally been out on the streets with torches.

Anecdotal or not, MacOS and Safari are pretty much bread and butter an any “everyday” user’s system. It’s not like there are enough variances that you need a statistically significant data set to see if 4GB of RAM cuts the mustard. It’s the same operating system. So I’m not sure what to tell you. I will say that the

Modern PCs have similar upgradability problems to modern Macs. In 2011, they just hadn’t caught up. That said, I had a Dell XPS with all the RAM and an SSD, and I loved the computer, the build quality, everything. It was priced like a decent Macbook Pro, 1899, but worth every penny. I still think Windows is needlessly

Is it really that good for drawing? My mom is a visual artist but unfortunately has been in the corporate world for some time. She travels a ton, and I was thinking of getting her one of these so she can paint/draw on the road.

I’ve never tried Chromebooks or Chrome OS. For my needs I have to have microsoft office, mainly because Google Sheets blows and Numbers on OS X is also terrible. And I do like being able to pull out Rome Total War or Medieval 2 Total War, which both run on my 2012 Air, but wouldn’t run on a Chromebook.

I agree. But OS makes a huge difference. My 2012 MBA has 4 gigs of ram and a 1000 year old processor that was in the low range of options when I bought it, and I’m still using it daily for anything from spreadsheets, to documents to browsing and games (old games). The PC laptop I have from the same era and a similar

Just curious, why get the air over the base macbook pro? I get the Macbook, it’s just tons smaller and lighter, but I honestly don’t see THAT much difference between the Macbook Pro and the Air, and the Pro seems to have a lot more horsepower, and yeah, it’s heavier, but it’s not apples and oranges.

While this is a better buy than the XR at 550. I’d rather have the XR for the 200 dollar difference. I agree, if we are talking “affordable” I think 300 with a 2-3 year life expectancy is the range I’m looking for.

I just bought the TSC10 - which is the chinese version for the low low price of 179.99. I gotta say, I don’t really see much need for paying 350-400 for one, given what this thing can do. I’m very happy with it.

I just bought the TSC10 - which is the chinese version for the low low price of 179.99. I gotta say, I don’t really

I see a lot of Infinity Q50 in the design. Not a terrible thing, but it does remind me of that car.

You’re rightfully getting panned here for saying they need to kill their entire product line. That said, I do agree that there are some great PC laptops out there with respect to build quality, including the excellent XPS from Dell - which, if specced right, can be a workhorse. PCs are usually worse under a grand, but

How can we understand complex situations like that fully? Why assume the worst?

Because despite Trump’s shitty border policy, there are probably a significant number of successes - you should consider how bad the situation in Honduras is to make people want to roll the dice like this.

I am not saying that they will bring gangs or anything like that. They are however poor and unskilled, which we don’t need more of in this country.

Well - again, factually untrue. Plenty of studies discuss the need for migrant worker populations in a ton of fishing and harvesting operations. So maybe you need to read.