
cool joke

As far as I understand, with the new Toyota drivetrains, they’re fairly reliable. Where they might miss is in electronics, but I think the NSX reliability isn’t all that great either. Ask my buddy who finally got his dream NSX and has now taken apart the dash about 4 times. He’s super anal though so...

Eh. This is the same argument people use to say there are problems with “black culture” and “black on black violence” - “they just need to help themselves”, but their circumstances, their environment, have huge impacts on how they see the world and how they react to it. It’s also up to Democrats and us to package

Yeah. Fair enough. But a lot of Trump supporters aren’t really overt racists and fascists. They’re more often than not just complicit because they’re depressingly stupid or uneducated. 

He is a villain.

Lol. That’s the sad sack argument others are peddling. You need to understand power dynamics and why protected classes are protected classes.

Totally different scenario. One is a protected class. The other is a public figure in a powerful regime. 

Lol. So you’re jumping on my case about explaining something on a website and having an opinion by saying people are allowed to have opinions on websites? Deep.

Hey dummy. Thanks for making an obvious point that means nothing. If we didn’t rule with some kind of consensus Trump wouldn’t have some of the trouble he’s having now. In the end in the medium term, if not some short term things, if he doesn’t at least align a little with congress he will start losing. Even among his

There’s a reason there are protected classes. And there’s a difference when dealing with public figures. If the restaurant had kicked out someone with a Trump t shirt I’d be more troubled. But Sarah Huckabee Sanders is the mouthpiece for the administration’s agenda. Whatever your opinion is on Trump personally or his

It’s not about giving Obama a pass - literally everyone including the media says he was weak on immigration (meaning he didn’t take a stand for immigrants, not ‘weak’ in the GOP sense).

But you’re making a false connection. Obama didn’t have record deportations. Record deportations were counted under Obama, because

Detention centers and the “record” Obama deportations had to do with two key factors - 1. They started counting “deportations” totally differently during the Bush administration. 2. Republican congress instituted a bed quota that meant immigration had to fill up X amount of beds with immigrants being deported. As

Show me anyone giving Obama a “pass”, are you a child? Obama has gotten shit from liberals for years for not being good enough on a variety of topics. But the simple fact is, this zero tolerance policy has escalated the situation by orders of magnitude, and that’s why it’s in the public eye now, and now, is when we

Again, based on incorrect information. Your argument has no basis.

Nope - not a fact. How they defined and counted someone being deported changed under Bush, and the total numbers between Bush and Obama were actually close enough that the “record” could go to Bush. But also, the REASON so many are deported, was due to a quota established by Republican lawmakers.

So, no, it’s not a

I think you’d be wrong. If there’s anything Democrats do well, is calling the Democratic party a bunch of spineless ethically bankrupt focus-group douchebags.

So setting aside the context, and the reality that under Obama it was fairly rare and therefore probably only applied in extreme circumstances (still a horrible outcome):

I’m struggling with what is “enough” here. I feel like we shouldn’t stand for small children being separated from parents for any reason. Is it commenting on Kinja? Donating to RAICES? Facebook post after Facebook post? Marching in the streets? Writing a letter to that fucking spineless coward Marco Rubio? Someone let

Very thorough work. I like it.

Well. Not for people that typically use it. They cherry pick laws they like and explain away the rest as outdated which is pretty convenient.