
The problem is that Deuteronomy and Leviticus also say equally terrible things. Basing any kind of argument on the bible is kind of like quicksand.

If this dude’s first car is an early 90's 4Runner then I can see why he would think this. 2nd Gen 4Runners are pretty indestructible, and “slow” doesn’t even come close to describing their performance. 3rd Gens have more horsepower and torque in a very similar chassis, and “glacial” would best describe their pace.

I’m going to call it now - he’s doping.

Lots of Nintendo Switch coverage in the interwebs right now - are sales declining?

I don’t disagree, but I think it’s less about packaging and more about cost. I don’t think the size difference between a flat 6 and an LS is going to be much, the LS will weigh more. I think the LS is small for a V8, but doesn’t compare that favorably to available 6 cylinders.

Generally speaking higher redline gives you more power without increasing size and displacement. Smaller means lighter. Faster revving. Etc. that’s why Porsche gets 690 hp out of a TT V6 whereas the engine in the hellcat or demon is huge and heavy. The downside is it’s less fuel efficient relative to displacement and

Isn’t the LS an absolute monster here just because it’s pushrod? So it isn’t so much that it’s really good at being efficient as it is just picking the most efficient packaging in available design, which also has its drawbacks, like, low red line.

I think we can make the argument that the Chiron is the anti-Lotus, and hence in my opinion, not an ideal we should aspire to.

Yes, it’s pretty important to keep highlighting that our president is a fucking ass-hat. People need to realize that the constant media barrage isn’t trying to change pro-trump minds, but just highlight to the majority in this country to go out and vote next time as opposed to sitting on their asses.

I pointed out the fact that there are likely tens of millions of American voters that will sit down, look at the math, and the deciding factor will be whether the result is positive or negative for them and the “debate” is that simple. Really there is no other debate and the fact that you guys think there is might be

Hey maybe Congress should have a hearing about it.

Lol. If all you care about is your personal financial impacts then why even enter in the discussion? Vote. If your entire argument is based on only what happens to you personally you certainly can’t expect everyone to agree with you.

Lol - where did you even go with that, your entire rebuttal is that money has no intrinsic value? Did you fail to read/understand the rest of the statement? You’re going to need to do a little better.

Show me the math where they spend 15x what you spend. The UK tax rate scheme isn’t too far off what we have, and they pay for healthcare within that.

You’re absolutely getting destroyed on here. That you’re fortunate enough to get a choice you like is a function of social programs and community thinking. You think your money is yours. And while you probably worked hard and you add value in your role there is no absolute equation where value-cost = salary except

It’s a manufactured choice. Everyone at one point in their lives needs health insurance. If they don’t have it and something happens. Someone foots the bill. It’s a fact. That you can roll the dice in your 20s and get away with it isn’t making a “choice” it’s making a bad gamble.

Here’s your 1200 average. Note it says single premium per enrolled employee right at the top numbnuts. Note also it’s 2016 - 2018 numbers are gonna be significantly higher

Bear in mind that’s from employer sponsored plans which only 60% of workers get and 70%ish percent of full time workers get so 30% of the Employed US ain’t getting shit.

I’d be interested to see a head to head with this and a Turbo or Turbo S. Porsche has worked really hard to dial out turbo lag and that would really bother me in a 200k car.

For individuals, not families, employer contribution doesn’t go up when you get dependents. So if children didn’t exist, and all spouses worked in a place with employer sponsored coverage - yeah, totally great. Likewise, that cost doesn’t appear in a vacuum, and employer contributions are calculated as a cost of doing