
It’s odd to me that the “realism” analysis is where you took this. I think the willing suspension of disbelief or at least understanding of the parameters is fairly well baked in to the entire exercise.

Man, I loved this. I wish you all did more articles like this one.

I’m sorry, how is this a pro-legal immigration law at all?

Sorry, what? Half of all Latina women in Texas are impregnated by their second cousins? Do you have some verification of that or were you just being casually racist?

Did you mean, “Hialeah”?

To me it’s pretty simple. It’s a 40k car that looks like a bunch of 15k econoboxes. There’s literally no reason to buy one over those econoboxes. Whereas if you’re an EV shopper you’re either an early adopter and you want the S. Or don’t mind waiting for the Model 3. Or if you want something environmentally friendly


It’s pretty simple. Metro areas like labor justice and social justice platforms, rural areas need an economic platform other than “raise minimum wage”. The democrats don’t need to become evangelical christians. They just need to apply what Hamilton is talking about here - a real platform where they tell the truth

I would love a Subaru - and maybe I’m being unreasonable but horsepower under 200 in a 3200 lb car is borderline unacceptable in 2017. I’m not asking for a 300 hp CUV under 30k, but given the GTI’s respectable engine, I think 200-250 is perfectly reasonable to ask for.

One fake fender vent vs the 8-10 per car now is a lot of difference. Also. I think you missed the part where I said the occasional decoration wasn’t the end of the world, and just to try to keep it simple.

Really the main reason I don’t like it is that in general I think designs are overwrought lately anyway. If you look at designs that still look handsome and relevant for years, most of them are fairly simple and clean. Think air cooled 911, late 90s 4runners. Every classic Ferrari. E46.... etc etc etc. Does that mean

So what should be done to him, he crossed the border illegally, what price should he pay for that if not deportation?

Coffee growing has two routes, low cost leader commodity coffee, and high quality coffee, he has knowledge of how to improve the produce, no doubt many backers who, like you, feel sympathetic, and is moving into a low wage world.

Lol. Hey. Take your business that requires a huge amount of upfront investment (often credit and leases), has massive logistical and distribution concerns and start over completely in another place where the success of the industry is largely driven by its low price. No biggie! Also. I’m all for deporting all DUI

I thought polished wheels went away with the 90s and early ‘oughts

Maybe if Mustangs stopped trying to kill people you wouldn’t hear so much about it.

I mean. I guess? I just think there are other timeless designs which are also striking. The E46 M3 is one, on the slightly more generic side.

That’s probably what they’re going for, so, good I guess.

You already got owned pretty hard for this comment I’ll only add that in this category almost any German sedan including the VWs and definitely the GTI and Golf R look better.

Well we can all hope the 3 is a massive success and other car companies pull their heads of their asses and we will see some better designs.