
A humblebrag or an explanation of why I’d be sitting in new Mercedes fairly frequently. But hey, maybe being snide is easier?

Spec for spec in horsepower and overall size. The interior isn’t as luxurious as modern Mercedes interiors, but they also aren’t that far off, based on the few I’ve been in, they feel about the same, but without the quilting and rich colors the new Mercs have, and there’s just “less” of everything.

I sort of figured that Jalopnik readers were professionals of a certain age. A Mercedes is neither that hard to obtain or sit in. Would you feel better if I said I went to a dealership and asked to sit in all their cars? Do you need pictures?

I own a Porsche, my family loves Mercedes, I’ve been in a bunch of them. They’ve mastered the art of looking expensive until you touch things like the headliner or hidden portions of the seats. They’re fine, and they’re nice, but we aren’t talking Bentley here. Tesla is pretty bare bones, but that’s the “modern”

Have you been in an S Class lately? Everything that is out of sight or generally not touched is CHEAAAAP. My family owns nothing but brand new Mercedes, and when they pay them off, they sell them and buy new Mercedes. Let’s not even get into BMW, they’re famous for their low-key interiors. The Tesla is VERY spartan,

Not really. You can get a leaf for less. I don’t understand why this formula is so difficult. The Tesla Model S, more or less, spec for spec, in contention with the Merc S Class and BMW 7 series. Yes, it’s not as luxurious on the inside, yes, the fit and finish isn’t quite as impressive, but in the end, Tesla doesn’t

9 month old post. What I meant is creating maximum lift, should also result in a design that isn’t as aerodynamic.

I’m only 35 and I grew up listening to Smashing Pumpkins and Pearl Jam. But I always had an appreciation for the great composers. It’s really annoying that people can’t get on board the classical train.

I think it would be fairly easy to create parameters that would narrow seemingly logical things down, like, if I have a 50's station, I don’t want 70s pop. If I want something upbeat, it should be able to recognize the tempo of a song and make some assumptions. These things aren’t difficult.

911s start at 90 grand. What do Astons start at? Me? I’d prefer the 911.

Read his email. It says supercar. If you want to call it exotic, that’s fine. Either way, an Aston doesn’t really fit the bill. Aston is “slightly more upscale than 911" territory, which also isn’t a supercar. Ferraris start where Astons end.

Im seeing all these astons but they aren’t supercars.

LOL 144 months.

They all frustrate me. I enjoy the “station” idea, because it forces me to listen to new stuff, but the tech still leaves a lot to be desired. If I create a 70s station on Pandora I don’t want modern tunes. If I have an upbeat station for bluegrass I don’t want sad songs. The classical music selection usually kind of

Did they finally tune out that DIP IN THE TORQUE CURVE!!?

I will if you address your attention seeking

Fair. But if Paul Ryan and his cronies like to use the socialism label so often, they should be calling this what it is. Socialist.

First, I’m not Cuban. I just think there are definitely enough places in America that are backwards, poor and isolated before we go picking on Havana.

You’re 100% right, apologies, I’ve had people coming at me all day about this post and I imagined a comma in your post that wasn’t there.

Anyone who has your level of reading comprehension is definitely an idiot.