Why do so many white people think it’s okay to use POC as a shield from criticism of their behavior. There are different levels of racism. And you can say or do something racist, even if you have friends that aren’t white.
Why do so many white people think it’s okay to use POC as a shield from criticism of their behavior. There are different levels of racism. And you can say or do something racist, even if you have friends that aren’t white.
Huh, so the dude who acts like a dick on camera as a “joke” is actually unable to handle any criticism of his behavior without insulting someone else. Fascinating.
I too, am disappointed. The Aziz Ansari case is a great opportunity to discuss the commonplace and insidious consequences when both men and women are not taught properly about consent. Men are taught to accept everything except an outright “No” as an invitation to continue. And even an outright “No” means “Not right…
I read the original piece in an abject kind of horror at what straight women have to deal with. And yet some say this is a “bad date.” Like what the fuck?
“The single most distressing thing to me about Grace’s story is that the only person with any agency in the story seems to be Aziz Ansari. Grace is merely acted upon.”
Because stories like this used to be their thing. They didn’t have to wait for a celeb to be accused of sexual coersion to publish opinion pieces on the need for affirmative consent. They just did, because it was - and ostensibly is still - their brand.
Yeah, agreed. I think the details weren’t beyond the point - they were part of the point and helped for us to put ourselves in her shoes. She was excited about going on the date and trying on a cute dress - she wasn’t trying to set up a storyline to sell to a paper.
Yes. The writer bemoans how this piece ruins the conversation, but I disagree. Trolls gonna troll, regardless. All the reactionaries who jump on the “she should have left” train would have done the same in a thoughtfully reported piece.
Why is Jezebel obligated to have a “take” on every sexual assault story in the news. That’s how you get lazy articles that add nothing to the conversation.
Do you know who does stuff like this? Who ignores communication from their partner, going ahead with whatever they want to do sexually, while always making sure to stay on the legal side of things? PREDATORS. It is not the men who care deeply about making sure their partners want to be there and are comfortable but…
It is so real — I was immediately talking about the situation, the coercion, consent etc. on a group text with three of my best friends because it struck such a chord. I’m hoping for more follow-up and discussions.
No one fucking needs a man to jump in to tell us what he thinks women should be doing. Shut the fuck up.
Jezebel, What Are You Doing? Days of silence on the topic, and then what comes forth is not actually the thinkpiece on sexual coercion and the “ways consent can feel blurring”, on how predators purposefully use bullshit excuses about “miscommunication” to get away with it, about how Ansari is more representative of…
This piece is unreal. I’ve been looking for Jez’s take on this for over 24 hours. They haven’t covered it at all except to say that Babe did it badly. Way to have those tough conversations, Jez
Would it have been better if they just published rumors that just happened to be true? They published a women’s account of being pressured into a sexual interaction she wasn’t comfortable with, and one in which the man repeatedly ignored her cues that she was uncomfortable. That’s newsworthy.
Yeah, if he wasn’t all touchy feely around women. It’s like he never really understood what it was about.
I am too, but I really wish he had said, look I learned a lot from the Hill hearings, I think many of us did. If I had known then what I know now they would have looked differently. I made mistakes and have learned from them and tried to be better.
Biden always represented MBNA more than he did the people of Delaware, and he has a lousy track record with women. He’s a charmer, sure but he always seemed on the edge of creepy.