all hail the glow cloud

Be that as it may, he did sign the bill, unlike Hillary Clinton. If she’s fairly going to get shit for it so should he

So? If I’m supposed to angry about Clinton I can also be angry that Sanders not only voted for the damn bill, he bragged he was “tough on crime” for years after that. Maybe, just maybe, Sanders is a disingenuous politician like the rest of them.

One of the effects of chasing after white-working class voters was that Democrats fell prey to the criticism of any Dem politician who took Wall Street money.

I’m not sure if this intended to be satire, but that argument was attached to Hillary Clinton a hell of a lot more than it was to Bernie Sanders.

I’d also nominate as a “least we can ask for” from a progressive candidate is to support a woman’s right to choose. The way they’re going right now, the Democrats are going to sell female bodily autonomy down the river.

You realize that while Clinton did say “super predators”, Sanders voted for that bill right? And there was a good bit of discussion about the term on twitter that puts it in context here, I can’t find a better way to link to it, I apologize, I hope the link even works. :(

Stop this! No one is asking for perfection. We’re asking would you please, Mr./Mrs. Candidate stop pandering to people who think your base is made up of lazy, worthless, colored people whose lives don’t matter. That’s actually the least we can ask for from a “progressive” candidate - the very least.

I don’t get your point, Sanders wasn’t the nominee. We got Donald Trump because enough people were willing to buy into the Hillary Clinton is a corrupt elite witch demon narrative that they either didn’t vote for her or were willing to vote for an incompetent racist.

He’s too eager to compromise on issues like Women’s body autonomy/right to make own medical decisions, and wants to court the racist vote, or “win those blue collar workers back” ignoring that POC largely work Blue Collar or service industry jobs, also pay rent or morgages and would benefit from support as well.

Fucking THANK YOU.

If these Left voters or really any voters needed to be “energized” to vote against Trump they sound like pretty shitty people. You shouldn’t need the world’s greatest candidate as an alternative not to vote for Tango.

This paragraph still has the stench of CTRL-V on it.

If you think people don’t like bat flips because it’s dangerous, you’re missing the point entirely, Jason Mendoza.

To be fair, I’ve been playing RPGs for 34 years and never, ever had anyone try to RP a language. Terrible, awful accents, sure...I’ve had more than one vaguely French sounding elf...but a full language? Nah. It’s either “You don’t speak their language, so you don’t understand them.” or it’s “they say XX to you.” I’m

This is bothers me the most. Not the “Fantasy Africa,” Mix shit up folks!

Disclaimer: I’m Caribbean black, not African black.

I want to see a black civilization that is “Up North” and they hail from the “Frozen Mountains” or “Fae Forests”. They have survived because of their strong “Engineering/Architecture” skills. Their magic centers around “Ice” or “Water”. Everything in quotes are invariably attached to white races, so shake it up for

Totally. It’s hard. It’s good they tried. But I was surprised when I was told that no people of color worked on the adventure directly. That would have been a good start.

This seems like a Damned if you, damned if you don’t kind of situation. I’m happy they published the adventure, even if they stumbled. They tried, which is a weird thing I have come to appreciate from white people around me as a PoC. It’s awkward sometimes, but I appreciate they try to include me and be mindful of me

I really feel like you should have included at least one type of non-black WOC Becky. There is always THAT one non-black, non-white woman who will defend white supremacy and uphold it at all costs just to feel superior over black people.