As a Mercy main, I find this incredibly frustrating and a punishment for other people being terrible at the game.
As a Mercy main, I find this incredibly frustrating and a punishment for other people being terrible at the game.
They need to be careful. The “increased stats for a period of time” ult is something Riot had on a lot of LoL champs in the early years, but they are removing those one by one. They’re not fun ults; they don’t feel active, and don’t have a large visual impact on what’s happening.
I think I will end up reviving more people as a result of these changes since I’m no longer saving it up. But her ult went from being special to being super mediocre.
I disagree with your idea of Zen being the new go to healer.
No what you will be seeing now is Mercy getting hit scanned to death more so than Pharah now. Mercy is now going to be 76 and McCrees’ target practice.
My problem is that not every character needs to be complex. With the changes for D.VA and now this both characters are now less their specified roles. D.VA is now less than tank then ever. There should be punishing moments for bad plays. DPS shouldn’t be able to constantly wipe everything by just waiting for the their…
Okay so they just made her into Pharah 2.0 great... “HEROES NEVER DI——AAAAAAGH!” Mercy’s ult as I see it is suppose to be punishing to bad plays and teams that just unload all their ults at once. So looks like Zen is going to be the new go to healer for his ult.
It’s not like this has been the first extremist, white supremacist attack this year either. Killing a couple of Indian people or burning a mosque has become frighteningly ignorable, whereas driving into protesters still can make Nazis look bad to at least a segment of the country.
Sounds about right. He’s the guy who’s sorry he got caught, not that he did something wrong.
I love the “I only hate people who hate” argument. Wow, what...intellectual...uh....insight? Just fucking grow a spine. I hate people who are bigoted. There. Fucking done.
Literally, too little, too late.
‘I mean, they’re just jokes. There’s not actual Nazis out there, what are you talking about?’
I remember back when everything happened in February, I was sort of like, ‘I mean, they’re just jokes. There’s not actual Nazis out there, what are you talking about?’
Still seemed pretty funny to him at the time...
“It sort of gave me a little bit of perspective, because technically I got grouped in with these people somehow,” Kjellberg said.
I got grouped in with these people somehow
And THIS time, he’s serious, you guys.
wow, what a hero -_-
Some of us are Jewish. Please don’t tell us to be quiet, ok?