all hail the glow cloud

Why is that such a thing for creeps? “I tricked her into looking at my penis! Now she’s disgusted! That makes me feel so good about myself!!”

“I find that white men often threaten women and people of color in online spaces to terrorize us and remind us that white supremacy and misogyny are all around us, even when we’re in public spaces, and then gaslight us and act like cowards when they are called out,” Bracey Sherman said.

Men finding new ways to be creeps.

That is -not- the right thing to do.

...his punch technique is lousy, and he’s liable to hurt his wrist like that.

(Concept shamelessly stolen from FB commentary elsewhere...)

IMO generally people who protest with guns know exactly what they are doing, and in some ways are just waiting for one of those bat/stick people to take a swing at them. Fortunately, at the moment most people don’t take a swing at the person carrying a rifle.

I’m actually less worried about guns than bats, pepper spray, etc. People who protest with guns seem to understand the consequences of their actions. People who protest with bats/sticks/bike locks seem to think this is a Stanley Kubrick film.

The GOP can pretend to distance themselves from these fringe white nationalist groups, but they are the ones who have been encouraging them along. Trump is simply the end product of all the hate... Lets at least make sure he is the end of it, and not a new beginning.

We should really just make protesting with weapons illegal.

The image I’m reposting from this is the shot of the “boxing tape” on the fists. Currently, the right seems determined to sell the idea that The Nazis/KKK were just there to protest, and were provoked. So, yeah, one normally tapes their fists on a day when they weren’t planning on fighting.

I’m perfectly serious.

Chelseas looks gorgeous in that suit!

She has the right to call out Joy but white, straight, cis Berniebros need to take a seat.

also on the plus side as well we now have this awesome photo rather than that one they kept using for her, as shown on the ‘recommended stories’

Why do people feel the need to comment on or deride people/things/attitudes that we don’t agree with?

Ugh I love her, if only because her positivity is such a welcome antidote to how our society expects trans women to be: the tragic victim in our own story. Or the villain. Just showing that you can be trans and proud and also happy is revolutionary.

I’m worried about her beautiful skin, hopefully was she wearing sunscreen? And yes, I’m no fun at the beach. I will chase you down with a floppy hat and hector you about skin cancer until you slather some on just to shut me up.

THAT’S NOT A RAT IN THE PHOTO, THOUGH, OMG!!! I AM MAD ON THE INTERNET!!!! (Think it’s a prairie dog?) (Judges?)

My guess is some kind of prairie dog/ground squirrel. Cute, but not rattie cute.

That guy at the top isn’t a rattie.

Kathy Bates looks so happy in the trailer. So I am content.