all hail the glow cloud

Meal planning is annoying. This service is for people who will pay extra to not have to do that. I strongly considered blue apron, but too many of their meals seemed carb-heavy (type 1 diabetic, I don’t want to eat a grain-based dish for dinner) and I couldn’t get over the high cost per serving. But I also rarely have

The packaging does bother me but outside of the carbon footprint of shipping it’s not really much more packaging than Thai food for 2. The boxes are excellent for moving

I don’t want to do those things all the time

I use it to get out of ruts too and have made several recipes again on my own

Blue Apron is definitely better than HelloFresh and HomeChef. BlueApron uses better ingredients, has more flavor, and has me cooking stuff that is more outside my personal comfort zone (sauces, cooking methods, ingredients etc.).

I wouldn’t say that these meal services are for people who want “to pretend they’re good

Thank you. I think the advice in this series is pretty bad about 50% of the time.

AND FROM THE SAME GUY!! I almost threw my phone across the room that response made me so angry.

Yup, and even when you do fully block them and cut off contact, they can still try to find ways to violate the boundaries you’ve put in place. I had an ex like that guy and am watching a friend date a similarly shitty person and I’m not getting involved beyond letting my friend know that I’m here if she needs me.

Ugh, this column is written by the same women who wrote that neck-tattoo article a few years back? Explains a lot...

My now wife and I have had our own bedrooms since day one. It is literally the savior of our relationship because I’m a snory night owl and she’s a sensitive sleeper who’s drooling in front of the tv by 930 pm. The one odd part about the situation comes because we’ve really bought into the his and hers bedrooms.

Honestly, I was so confused by the response to Letter #1 I thought I scrolled too far and was reading the wrong response. I had no clue where “loving drama!!” or “you’re lonely and need a hobby” came from.

I was pretty put off by the tone of response to the first letter too. Yes, she should probably remove herself from the situation for her own mental protection, but saying she’s just involved because she just “loves drama” or “is lonely”? What about maybe she just cares for her friend? Or she’s having PTSD from seeing

In what area of the country is this possible?!? Manhattan? L.A.? Out here in non-big city New England, it’s more like “we don’t take your insurance,” “our first opening is in 3 months,” or “sorry, we’ve decided to become a baby goat-yoga studio.”

Seems like a very unnecessarily harsh response to the first LW. Weird, unless that’s the hook of this column. 

I feel you are missing a very large third option-Empathy. Sometimes people genuinely are concerned for vulnerable and wronged people, especially if it is something they know well about. It is frustrating to see someone behave in an abusive manner towards an ill person with no one batting an eye. Abuse within a

So glad to see this comment. Because ouch, that response was awful and insensitive and really judgmental.

IF she’s actually friends with the woman in the first scenario, the absolute BEST option is to let her know you’re available if she ever needs to talk or needs a friend. That way when the shit hits the fan she won’t feel so alone - if she’s smart enough to turn to you. But only if she’s really kicked him to the curb.

A therapist is as effective as any doctor.

What I mean...let us say I have a back problem....specifically spina bifida. I go to doctor with my back pain issues. Doctor recommends

The second letter-writer says that they’re burned out on therapy and describes the way a psychodynamic session would go, so you recommend more psychodynamic therapy? Cmon. What would be far more helpful and appropriate for them would be something more short-term, goal-oriented, and time-limited. They’re the perfect

The response to the first email is incredibly insensitive. As someone who has been through the very thing that the writer describes - there is a period where you feel extremely angry as the victim that you are stuck with all the therapy, recovery, mess from an abusive relationship and the actual abuser gets to