I thought about reinventing myself and then spending the entire rest of my life acting out the charade I have always wanted to become. Then I remembered I’m tired and just didn’t have it in me. So, I took a nap instead.
I thought about reinventing myself and then spending the entire rest of my life acting out the charade I have always wanted to become. Then I remembered I’m tired and just didn’t have it in me. So, I took a nap instead.
It’s thrilling to know, for instance, that “Prince that was promised” could also mean “Princess,” but the expository way Missandei explained the translation to Daenerys was pulled straight from a freshman screenwriting class.
Anything would be better than this. How did they go from Dornish ladies supporting Myrcella as queen to murdering her??
The maesters handle the ravens and the NW doesn’t have a maester right now.
Well, she did say, “Ellaria is dead” which is 1000% untrue so perhaps not
Ellaria’s “foreign invasion” line was amazing and hilarious. This is my review of the episode. Thanks.
Ugh, Euron. This show can’t seem to survive without having a savage male villain to chew the scenery in the most over-the-top way. Viserys is nasty, but oops, he’s dead, so here’s Joffrey. What a vicious little beast, amiright? But oops, he’s dead, so here, have a torturing sociopath named Ramsay. But oops, he’s dead,…
I KNOW. It now makes me feel like the whole mystery around his eye is a non-story, as the show couldn’t even be bothered with such an easy task as putting an eye patch on a pirate.
Not sure how you’re the first person in the comments to point that out. I thought that was obvious. Also, Euron was JUST at King’s Landing. Looking at the map, Dragonstone isn’t that far away, and they knew that Dany’s fleet was there. Not a far stretch for him to intercept them. I thought that was implied at the…
I am so happy Hot Pie is still alive and is doing well. He seems happy. I hope he makes it to the end and continues to make his bread.
AND WHY HASN’T ED SENT A RAVEN ABOUT BRAN. This kinda thing just bugs me so much. Why have Bran show up in Episode 1 if Jon and Sansa don’t get to hear about him until Episode 3 or 4? He’s got so much information about Uncle Hotface-Coldhands (neé Benjen), Cousin Jon Targaryn and the Night King (who seems to do an…
The wind was really taken out of my sails (heh) this episode. I was so proud of the writers for giving us a scene, and a greater story line, where four women got to stand around a war table and plot against a common enemy (who is herself another hard ass female). To watch half of those women get cut down by episode’s…
Ellaria isn’t dead. Yet. They are bringing her to Cersei where she will definitely die. The Nymeria scene was so so so sad. I’ve been wanting them to reunite forever!
“[T]he Sand Snakes have consistently been some of the most interesting and compelling characters on the show...” This has to be among the most ridiculous things I have ever seen posted on this site.
Theon’s dignity might be dead, but it finally gives Gendry and his rowboat a chance for redemption!
Ellaria and Yara are being taken back to Queen’s Landing as a token from Euron to Cersei so she’ll accept his marriage proposal.
Sounds like this is what you want: http://kotaku.com/the-story-behind-mass-effect-andromedas-troubled-five-1795886428
This really sucks. I really enjoyed Andromeda. It’s one of my favorites from this year. But I guess the romance and conversations were my most hated parts of the game (I’m sorry but since ME1 the series has been so fucking badly written, awkward, nerdy, and basically just like really fucking weird and sociopathic that…
Its a shame, while MEA had problems it was still solid scifi action game. It would be nice if they would continue to update the games graphics and fix the problems, I know its unlikely but one can dream