all hail the glow cloud

I’m with you on this. I went to one of these multiday festival/concerts about 20 years ago, and that was it for me. It was middle of the summer, about 95+ degree heat each day, port-a-pottys only, over crowded and long stretches where I was only mildly entertained by some of the acts. The idea of attending a

Part of what makes festivals fun is when you get an experience you wouldn’t get elsewhere. Trying to be “The Next Bonaroo or Coachella” is dumb because if I wanted to get a Bonaroo or Coachella experience (which, for the record, I wouldn’t), I’d go to Bonaroo or Coachella.

The flip side of that coin is that attendance of festivals in and around major urban areas seem (to me) to skew younger. I’ve stopped going to Governor’s Ball because it’s been entirely overrun by high schoolers.

It’s like a switch flipped for me. I am in my 30s and the very first time I felt old was when I was on the cusp of 30 at FPSF in Houston a couple of years ago. We sprang for the fancy pants tickets with air conditioned tents and I still almost died of heatstroke (because music festival in June in Houston)

A cave attraction in the central PA mountains doesn’t exactly strike me as “festival country”. Though I’m rather interested in their guided mountain Jeep tours of the area.

As someone turning 30 pretty damn soon, the idea of paying hundreds of dollars to go to a crowded festival that may involve sleeping in tents just... doesn’t cut it anymore. The only festivals I’ll go to are the ones that are in/around major urban areas, and there are more than enough of those that I can see major

Makes sense. The success of the big festivals is inspiring copycats and other attempts at their own festivals, and most of these will probably underperform and/or fail because most businesses do fail.

This is disappointing.

most people consider endless hours of practice hard

You’d have to ask her! But as someone who used to work in journalism, many of us do not consider STEM as feasible career paths (I count on my fingers; who would want me?)

During the Olympics one year, one of the commentators for the team synchro events said “Imagine running a 100 meter dash while holding your breath. That is what these women are doing.”

We swim around the pool, do silly tricks, surprise children when we take the tails off.

I would have a panic attack as soon as I put the thing on. Then I’d fall off the edge of the pool and drown.

The thought of having my legs restricted like that underwater scares the shit out of me.

But what’s it like to swim with Joanna’s dino tail?!? Enquiring minds want to know!

sounds like the direction that our culture seems to be going in.


They keep hacking away at Hangouts and it made me switch off of it entirely. First they took away my SMS/MMS integrated threads, then they took away the app’s ability to handle SMS period. It completely stripped the functionality I originally turned to it for - a simple, straightforward, SINGLE app to handle SMS and

I still miss Reader...

i hate it. i hate it. i hate it. they took msn away, and now gchat. i don’t want to be shown as constantly online 24/7. i also don’t want to be visible to everyone i have ever blocked, which is what happens when you switch - your gchat blocks don’t carry over, so that was a terrifying few minutes of blocking scary