This was my takeaway too.
This was my takeaway too.
Oh, that’s fucking lame.
After reading this thread I’m definitely thinking about seeing a dermatologist for other, less harmful light treatments.
Yeah, that is a silly contradiction. I guess I’m just dumb and itchy.
I’ve never even heard of that. Thanks for the input, I’m definitely going to give it a go.
I’m 27 and it’s only been in the last two years that I’ve found treatments that work for me. I workout 4-6 times a week, and I always hit up the steam room after. Post shower/sauna I always apply unscented Glysomed to my entire body. I use hypoallergenic shampoo as a body wash, and I don’t shampoo or condition my…
In my dad’s case, after decades of use, they made his skin paper thin. When he itches his skin in his sleep he basically just tears his skin open, you should see his sheets. When you have extreme eczema, you learn to rub instead of itch, and even that causes him to bruise.
I agree, I don’t think teens should be tanning especially if they can’t rationally weigh the risk vs. reward. That being said, my highschool experience probably would’ve gone alot smoother if I had have stumbled on this solution sooner. Having angry, red, itchy scalp and gnarly dandruff sure didn’t help my…
<3 itchy skin solidarity
I forgot to mention that I don’t take topical steroid creams after witnessing what it did to my father's skin after 40-some years of use.
When untreated, my eczema is something that pretty much occupies my life. No light tshirts, don’t want a pinprick red spot of blood showing up where a scab has rubbed off. Can’t wear anything but cotton because it irritates my already sensitive skin. No deodorant, since my skin is most sensitive wherever it rubs…
I tan once or twice a week. I started because I read online that it would benefit my eczema, which it did, plus it also had the added bonus of clearing up my chest/back-ne.
I think she's a babe, just not my type. I'm into short, dark and mean.
No way this happened. Please tell me this is just a little creative writing gag. No way.
That’s how I felt. I hope it was just intended to impart the manic behaviour of Culkin’s character, and not something they’re going to maintain for the rest of the series.
Just plantinum'd Bloodborne and completed The Old Hunters. Thinking about replaying Dishonoured and finishing my current run of Dark Souls. Pretty excited for DaS3!
What are these? I definitely gnawed on the yellow one as a child.
I think it’s also used as an ad hominem against oldschool feminists, by new wave feminists, to delegitimize their arguments.
I had today off work and I’ve spent the last three hours with my head under my covers reading Gawker news stories and being miserable. Your comment made me go, “hah” and now I'm going to eat and shower. Kudos.
I bought my PS4 for Bloodborne and I’ve easily sunk over 100 hours in it between the base game and expansion. TLOU was fun, and I enjoyed playing through Until Dawn with my girlfriend on Halloween. I think that's pretty much all I've played on the system.