
I thought it was fine. It occupies the same fun little niche as the Underworld and Resident Evil films.

We’re doomed, I didn’t even realize GMG was offering refunds. Apparently that ship has sailed months ago.

I don’t know these things.

My girlfriend/fiance and I have been together for nearly eight years, and I’ve always held that I didn’t believe in traditional marriage. I’m not religious, everyone I know is divorced, I think it’s a terrible waste of money and I’m just a stubborn contrarian (mostly). Well, a year ago she asked me to marry her and I

Oh. Mind blown, I guess. and I was a 13 year old boy when that album was popular.

They need to do way instain mothers?

It needs to be made.

I am a big, blubbery, bleeding heart liberal, but this is just ridiculous. There have definitely been some very offensive costumes posted on here, this isn’t one of them.

These are not the roids you are looking for.

Don’t worry, I’m sure men will objectify you well into your thirties. :)

It’s a server transfer, it’s noteworthy. Why do you people think there’s a conspiracy behind every trend in gaming?

I live in Alberta and my ping jumped from 45 to 90+. Thanks, Obama.

I just checked PC and it’s at 800, but it’s also 4am MST. I’ve seen it peak at 3000 recently, usually averages around 1500 at primetime on a weekday.

It’s not dead though, I still play weekly. There are usually around a thousand people online any given time on PC. Plus, they’ve made all of the map packs free so the community isn’t fragmented.

It’s basically a one-off, demo reel gag. I don’t think the filmmakers wanted anyone to take it that seriously.

Keep fighting the good fight, sir. After all, it is just about ethics in game journalism, right?

Taking a picture of my happy, hairy, dime-nippled man-tits as an expression of solidarity with you ladies, and inboxing them to this guy right now! :)

He definitely looks like a shower.

Mafia and Mafia II weren’t overly gory. I think you got into more fist fights than gun battles in the second one. The reason why I love them so much is because they're more reserved than the GTA series. You have to obey the speed limit, be very careful about the crimes you commit in broad daylight. The slow pace of

I don’t think so, the album art identifies a major problem with the Christian church; they actively downplay Christ’s main teachings to focus on his crucifixion (the inverted cross) and his purported return (the zombie jesus).