I mean, are you really drawing a parallel between the systemic, social justification of sexual assault (towards women) with someone remarking on the irony of a company that glorifies hackers as heroes getting hacked? Ok.
I mean, are you really drawing a parallel between the systemic, social justification of sexual assault (towards women) with someone remarking on the irony of a company that glorifies hackers as heroes getting hacked? Ok.
Won’t somebody please think of their bottom line?!
I love Quake, I get swept up with catching up on all the new mods every couple years. Right now I’m replaying it on my hacked vita, it’s a really cool novelty.
I’m sure it was more to the tune of an iron-clad contract and scary Google lawyers.
I think it’s mostly retail traders that use Robinhood because of its low bar for entry. Day traders pay for better services. Me and a couple friends made a couple thousand bucks because we were alerted to it by the sub. I got out early because I was scared of volatility — I didn’t realize that I might also have to…
How ironic that a service that calls itself ‘Robinhood’ is actively fucking over the poors.
Well, it does add further context.
The full quote was, "Just you! That’s it, I’m all done now!"
Fuck a job.
My favourite horror film would be a tight three-way tie between The Thing (82), The Fly (86), and Alien (79), but if I had to choose one, it would definitely be The Thing.
These kinds of people need to hit rock bottom before they’ll even think about reforming, if they ever do.
Holy shit, dad. It’s not our job to pander to you just because you haven’t gotten the joke since ‘03.
Titanfall 1's animations are so much better than TF2's. You stay in first person and watch the cockpit screen activate, so cool.
On that note have you heard the new collab from Transient and Bastard Noise?
Keem is a weenie, and I wish he would just go away.
I think it’s a device thing. I just went on the Epic mobile website and downloaded it to my S9+, and after updating it, ran the game.
What? Nirvana existed in the 90's, the Jesus Lizard, Slint...
Quit complaining and find a better job, you’re doing exactly what you’re accusing him of.
I remember 25 year old me reflecting on 20 year old me and thinking, ‘you didn’t know, you thought you did, but you didn’t’. At 30, I know this to be true for 25 as well. I imagine I still don’t know, but this revelation will take another painful five years to sink in.
To each their own. Your spare time is precious, don’t waste it doing things out of a sense of obligation to them. I don’t finish videogames, books, movies or television shows I’m not enjoying.