
Bloomberg on Wednesday: Paedos target children on Twitch.

Because first party Nintendo games are some of the best games available?

You do know RFA is an american propaganda outlet right? Also why exactly would they ban something that’s literally showing the horrors of capitalism?

I’m afraid part of the problem is that they want to build out their franchise, and the only way they can think of doing that is to create a hero narrative, which does requires a line in the sand of good an evil, even if it is just showing some forces as the protagonist and others as antagonists.

Some money got laundered.  

I’m not buying the idea that the growing obsession with deep throat has anything to do with a man’s need to visualize female orgasm or pleasure. Hilarious. You can’t tell me that this isn’t a direct reaction to women being more and more vocal about sexism, feminism, and our collective anger. Put a dick in her mouth

I’m pretty tired of the 2020 memes. If you think it was hard for you then it should be sobering to know that too many poor Americans, let alone everyone else in the world, live like this every year.

To be fair, WSB is not “the poors”. They are a bunch of bougie dude-bros who have unshallow pockets. The proles have very different options for gaming the stock market. That’s why unions get busted.

Money does corrupt. As money = power.

Never ever take a job in QA, it’s a trap. You’ll hear how your job is an essential part of the process but get paid less than everyone in the entire company. You’ll hear how it’s a foot in the door. Most people will go no where. You’ll be treated poorly and patronized by upper management, and in some places

Nah, border patrols are just cowards who didnt have the balls to join the army. But still yearn power defenseless people.

so, nice strawman, but he wasn’t in mexico and the kid wasn’t in the US. the CBP agent was not a drug smuggler and the kid was not a criminal.  the kid was on the mexico side of the fence and was shot by an agent of the US government across a national border. he murdered an unarmed child acting under color of

Remember no difference between Hillary and Trump. Fuck you all. Fuck you all straight to hell. I want all these men and those that enable them to die the most painful of deaths. It is what they all deserve. Fucking monsters.

What step further?  He said “it’s all done now” meaning, the interview, so he can check it off the bucket list. 

It wasn’t a sexual comment. 

Watch it again, outrage police. He was referring to being interviewed by her. Nothing there suggested he was being inappropriate. Nothing except the shit starter who wrote the article and then you, of course.  

What a waste of time article. I watched it and have to agree with his rep - he was pretty clearly jokingly referring to being interviewed by her as the pinnacle of his career. Nice try, there. It’s always fun to just try to tank someone’s career and reputation for your shitty blog, right?

Get the fuck outta here with this bullshit and grow a sense of humor.

RE: Jim Carrey

Why do you insist this was a sexual remark. Clearly the question was about his career and his reply was clearly referring to being interviewed by her. He was being funny, not creepy. What’s wrong with you to write this article, clearly the author has it in for Cary given the title puts him down as a Supporting Actor