
I didnt have an issue with it... a little cheesy but all marketing spots are. The ELR is a VERY good looking car. It's a shame there wont be an ELR-V with an LS7 in it.

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This guy should get together with Adam Reposa and create a Lawyer Super Team.

Wow... I need to change my pants.

Everyone here runs summer tires or all season tires. No one has snow tires. No one has any experience driving in snow or icy conditions. When you live where it snows you learn, you adapt, you equip yourself with the proper gear for this stuff. But down here the proper gear just isnt financiall viable for the once

History always repeats itself it seems...

Who gives a shit? The less we care about this guy the better off we all are.


Wow very few here understands the concept of even and odd. Kind of depressing.

Is that a dually? Im afraid I find the idea of a compact truck dually somewhat... oxymoronic?

For the few who aren't aware. Grand Prix is one of the best Formula 1 movies ever made, a classic. If you remember Pat Stoddard, the actress who plays her is the same actress that voices Mallory Archer.

Contact them and tell GM Corporate how their dealers are embarassing them. Put some pressure on these assholes from above. Remember, sound intelligent and money'd just as much as you sound outraged.…

Sweet jesus! I want!

It looked like a completely custom frame with some land rover drive train parts in it. Not sure how the US DMV would really classify that... but I doubt they'd be all that eager to certify it for road use.

Registering an imported vehicle is hard enough when it's road legal in its country of origin. There's almost no hope whatsoever that this thing can ever be driven on real roads anywhere. Just ask all the poor Nissan Skyline fanboys who are afraid to take their cars out for fear of the Feds confiscating them. They have

The 70's and 80's must have been a hard time given the complete lack of arm rests anywhere. I guess people were just tougher and better accustomed the hardship back then.

Battleships are old school and irrelevant. World War 2 proved that battleships are not effective. Thats why we had the shift to naval air forces. I dont even think that ONE battleship that's sort of ready to actually sail anywhere is even in sailable condition anymore.

He actually doubled for Paul in the movie Running Scared, also (For those that have seen it, the scene where there's a flashback to a bullet being shot at them during dinner and comes through the wall). I dont think he's a close enough resemblance that he can actualyl fill in for speaking scenes. But for back/side of

I personally perfer to use "duct tape", yes, but historically it's been officially regarded as duct tape AND duck tape. It was called "duck" tape at one time in reference to its waterproof properties. "Duct" tape I believe is the current accepted nomenclature, however.

They will just bear tape (In Russia, tehy dont use duck tape, they use bear tape) some peasants to the crane to repair it. It'll be fine. They'll finish lifting the tank in a few minutes.

I just noticed... the rear window looks really odd. Notice where the window ends and the weird angles in the roof line. It's like an oval window in a square hole and Im not sure if Im imagining it but it looks almost like they've sunken the window into the fastback, Sort of like some of the late 60's Dodge Chargers.