
I agree, I dont like it at all except for the rear end. It has a very aggressive look... but I dont really understand why the diffuser is body color? That's a bit ridiculous to me, but the rest of it looks great. The front looks very, very generic and I agree that in general the proportions are off.

I can see these things chopping up dogs, getting tangled in trees, hit by cars, cuaght in power lines, dont get me started on apartment complexes....

But this is a FANTASTIC idea even if it's a bit... loony. And ripe for abuse.

You missed the point a little bit. A car at 60mph has more than twice the kinetic energy of a car travelling 40mph. Anything above 30 IS fatal unless you hit something softly, something that will give. Like another car or a guardrail. You hit an immovable object like a wall or a pole at 30mph it will kill you and

Crash tests are done at 30mph, and those cars are destroyed. All it takes is avoiding an errant housepet on the highway or an oil slick or ice patch or whatever and the car could be going sideways at 50 mph and it could easily result in something like this. The amount of energies involved ARE huge to do that to a car,

Car enthusiast and competition pistol shooter (He is often pictured with .45 ACP 1911's)... despite the pretty boy image, dude was a real bro's bro, and I mean that in a good way. Sad to see him go, one of the Hollywood actors with personality and passions in life that I can actually relate to.

It's plenty appreciated overseas... as its very common out in Euroland, but here in America no one really knows about the Rover V8's, which is intereting because it was designed by an American company... Buick maybe? They couldnt make it work and sold it to an English company I believe, they refined it, and it because

I thought Mclaren was in England?

I blame Obama. (Government told GM to shut down Pontiac in exchange for cash allowances)

I believe these were the fastest GM production cars to exist until the LS1 came around. But does an aftermarket-tuned car count as a production car? I love the Firehawks, though. Fantastic cars.

FALSE. Vector M12 is a body kit on a Lamborghini Diablo chassis.

Does the GNX count as American since Mclaren tuned it? Im not sure... But I vote GNX anyway.

CAFE regulations.

The early third generation F-bodies (82-85) had a Pontiac 4 cylinder as the base engine. The "legendary" Iron Duke 4 cylinder. I think that's what powered the little mail trucks for a long time. Anyway, in the Camaro/Firebird, it was a 3100 lb car with 90 horsepower... Awful.

A lot of them look a lot nicer than people ever gave them credit for at the time. My personal favorite is the 1969 Chevy C10.

What world are you living in? Between 1995 and 2010 the Mustangs have made a VERY unimpressive 260-315hp, which is even more depressing considering they used OMG OVERHEAD CAMS, and still couldnt figure out how to pull any more power out of it without throwing superchargers on them. The F-bodies have made 345+ hp since

This thing does have some weird TPI look alike intake on it. And I could never figure out if the Mercury company involved with the LT5 is the same as the Mercury Marine company or not...

300bhp in a rear wheel drive car is fun. In a FWD car it's just more power than you need to get groceries.

Choosing between the Porsche and the Mclaren would be like choosing which testicle to keep.

I dont believe in snake oil bullshit. I dont believe in additives. Id ont believe in seafoam, octane boosters, marvel mystery oil, or anything else. But when it comes my flat tappet camshafts, they will get more zinc than they need by any means I can figure out how to do it. Flat tappet cams and high zinc oils go

I have a 3rd gen, quality is a little better but it's a far more dated design. In good shape like mine they look pretty nice. But this wind blowing through that you speak of, that's going to be a characteristic of a LOT of cars that have frameless windows. I think there's a proper term for it but a lot of sports cars