Funny how a draft dodger always likes the idea of someone else shooting people he doesn't like. I'm shocked he didn't suggest dipping the bullets in pigs blood, because I'm sure he still believes that conspiracy theory.
Funny how a draft dodger always likes the idea of someone else shooting people he doesn't like. I'm shocked he didn't suggest dipping the bullets in pigs blood, because I'm sure he still believes that conspiracy theory.
I hate this stupid cocksucker beyond my ability to form reasonable thoughts.
That landscape is so lovely, the current fence doesn’t look great but it’s not nearly the eyesore he wants it to be. He’s one of those weird assholes who seems to hate natural beauty in every way and cant see a sunset without thinking how much better it would look with a few buildings in the way.
Trump was apparently “happiest” with Nielsen when U.S. border agents fired tear gas into Mexico as people tried to cross the border. “Mr. Trump loved it,” the Times reported.
Trump respects, or more likely fears, strength. Pelosi rarely gets the Trump treatment, but Pelosi’s played Trump for the fool he is on a few occasions now and he hasn’t managed to “get her back” for it.
The only relevant question is “did Trump speak to Mueller under oath?” Because if the answer is “yes,” then yes, he lied to him under oath.
Trump may be deteriorated to the point mentally where he is just confabulating everything, he seriously may not know what is true any longer in the labyrinth he has built in his head.
He is very looking much forward to greeting the winners of the HyperBole at the White House with fast food cheeseburgers on warming plates.
You want things like expanded healthcare, reasonable immigration policies, expansion of renewable energy, etc... and you’re upset with the progressive cause because those things haven’t happened quickly enough? And you have the fucking audacity to complain about the navel-gazing of other people?
Here’s my ms paint 2-minute artistic representation.
“Lack of anyone he’d listen to saying “dude, you’re not fooling anyone”= his entire world.” See also “Hair, Trump’s.”
I’ve read that this is probably caused by lifts in his shoes. His heels are elevated which puts his entire body off balance.
“The call was PERFECT!”
The replies to his Tweet about it are like taking a spit-bath in MAGA drool. It’s so depressing.
“Help! Help! We’re not being oppressed!”
“I don't pretend to speak for all evangelicals - just the white ones."
Kind of tells you everything you need to know about how scandalous or world-changing those secrets are. If the US gov’t really did capture some aliens or whatever the fuck, that soup-brained moron would’ve said something about it by now.
“Hey! Let’s blow the cover of a CIA agent.”
Fake something to get him and Pence in the panic room and just forget to ever go get them.
Does Trump Tower have a basement?