
I think the problem with people like he, and Romney before him, is that they still literally cannot see the staff working these meals.

Pictured: Whistle

Boy, they are just going to drive this “the real crime is the reporting of the crime” bus right off the cliff, aren’t they?

He’s gonna live-tweet his own heart attack and it is, quite frankly, going to own.

a recording of his remarks passed along by an attendee.

Duder not to nitpick but you don’t need to describe Ellie as a “young queer woman” I’m a lesbian and the best thing you can do for gays is to not let that define us even if we have partners ya know? Like you don’t need to describe JD Fenix as a young Angelo Saxton cismale he’s just some guy, like “it” not mattering is

If Trump is guilty of this, how come Biden didn’t appear in the mirror?!

That is the Freedom Fist. Because he’s constantly fisting democracy.

Don’t hold your breath. If Pelosi literally tossed Trump down a reactor shaft Star Wars style, Splinter would be right there bitching that she lifted with her back instead of her legs.

Here’s that transcript from Trump about his call with the President of Ukraine;

Nancy Pelosi:

Scientists: *spend decades raising the alarm over climate change*

You can tell conservatives are on the right side of history because their greatest rival is teens who want to live.

Holy fuck, this shit might result in a stern letter!

Satchel Ass looking very infarct-y this morning.  

“As Crenshaw notes, the interaction was clearly set up to be on video.”

This made me laugh, thank you. Have a star. 

The fact he has to carry cash says a lot about his financial status. Those credit cards are apparently worthless and he can’t cash a check anymore since they put his photo up on the wall at the bodega.

Occasions that Trump has tipped a caddy, ranked: