
Proven time and again.

The more he tough talks on Twitter, the more the veil is lifted and you can see him for the scared little bitch he is right now. He’s practically begging for this to go away. Win or lose, impeach or not, this impeachment talk is his legacy. Long after his mouth-breathing drones are dead and buried, this is what the

Christ, you’re here all the time and there’s not a single comeback of yours that’s worth a damn. I could at least appreciate your bullshit if it was clever.

And yet, here you are trolling that same site. Why don’t you just stick to your MAGA chud echo chambers? I guess it’s just too hard to sleep at night if you haven’t triggered at least one lib, right? They’ve gotta have something for your eventual epitaph after all.

I’m not convinced he wasn’t spelling it “coo” before autocorrect.

I think it’s hilarious that the GOP actually thinks if they got rid of all the brown people, the entitled white MAGA chuds that are just waiting to be millionaires would instantly step up and gleefully take all the shit-shoveling jobs for $6 an hour.

LOL!! Your thin-skinned little bitch of a president whines daily about fairness, witch hunts, and made-up coups while the GOP vacillates and let’s corruption run rampant in exchange for sips of power, but it’s the left doing the damage. Ok, buddy. Fuck off with that noise, asswipe.

Did Trump watch a Mexican kill his parents in an alley or was he personally molested or raped by one in his life somewhere? I don’t get the obsession he has with Mexicans considering he’s a privileged old white asshole who has literally never had to interact with any other group of people beyond more old white

It doesn’t matter. They’re both weak and unoriginal. I’ve been insulted better by people that actually like me. But I’m sure your next attempt will be the one that draws the tear from my eye you’re hoping for, buddy! It only takes three (or six or eight) attempts for people like you to really crank up that scathing

Kristy Swanson? Really? What the fuck was she doing at that fundraiser? Busing tables?

What’s this Congress can do two things at once nonsense?? Are you saying our government can pass meaningful legislation and still hold down the rule of law?? I’m aghast!! Speechless!! Agog!!

You’re getting repetitive. Tell your writers you need new material.


The dumb shit knows 100 words and approximately 80 of them refer to size or hyperbole.

Well, not the credibility of Breitbart and Fox News that you’re used to digesting I’m sure, but you also need to recognize you’re out of your safe space and should probably stay in your fucking lane when it comes to credibility checks.

Right? All the links in the article to credible sources just make it all the more unbelievable....

Agreed. It shows you what a two-bit hack he really is. I know it’s a total “be careful what you wish for” scenario, but he really could do some Hitler level shit if he wanted too, but he doesn’t. He’s so small potatoes, the limit of his evil is golfing and hawking his own personal brand on the government’s dime. He

Well thank you for letting us know, citizen! Ball’s in your court now, Naughty Dog. Check and mate!

Quick, someone get this man a bunker so it can all play out like Hitler’s last days! 

Cool,cool, cool. Just like when the wife with the black eye tells the cops there was no domestic abuse.