
I am struggling to think of something I would enjoy more than watching Downton Abbey while trading barbed commentary with the Queen.

I will lay good money that she is the Queen of scathing commentary particularly when accompanied by a glass of Dubonnet.

No sane person would put their hands right onto a bowl after a server specifically told them that it was hot. The Korean restaurant I worked at routinely served food in bowls/on plates that were boiling hot, and when people were told as much, they did not touch them and therefore did not get burned. Not sure what you

It is uncalled for to put a bowl under a BROILER with zero purpose other than to mess with someone and hope they hurt themselves.

Many restaurants heat their plates to keep the food from cooling down too quickly. You see the server carry it with some kind of protection (gloves, napkins) and are told to be careful because it’s hot. But some people only believe what they feel with their own hands.

She asked for the bowl hot. He warned her “this is hot.” At that point, what happens is her own damn fault. No sympathy whatsoever.

That’s like saying it’s cruel to serve people food on a skillet. It’s a hot dish, you’re told not to touch it, so don’t touch it.

So it is not Montessori, it is Mussolini.

this is how the bartenders at The Interval in San Francisco do it, and it was definitely a palm-to-forehead, “why didn’t I think of that?” moment for me.

I’m a _little_ pissy about ingredients, at least where basic stuff is involved. I was just saying above: sour mix is an abomination. I never order anything that might leave room for sour mix unless the bar is fairly respectable. And sometimes even then. I gather from your Sidecar that you’re not entirely in

SNL - John Goodman as Linda Tripp

I will concede that Yoplait is basically runny pudding. And Chobani is not fit for human consumption with its gross yogurt-water layer that floats on top of every cup.

Well if you pay them enough sex workers will say anything, Senator.

It’s not at all, but I understand reading comprehension can be tough when your state doesn’t care about education. Sorry about the massive inferiority complex though.

Yeah that’s totally what I said.

I never understood the whole “Southern Pride” aspect with the Confederate flag. The Confederacy lost. And badly. It’s not like this was some war of atrition in which both sides just stopped fighting and signed leave treaties. They were routed and destroyed.

There’s “ethically” produced foie gras as well - free range geese that apparently need no coercion stuffing themselves with corn and other grains. I’ve had a bit, and altho I didn’t have traditional foie gras to compare it to side-by-side, it tasted like a happy fat goose (awesome).

My aunt Bonnie’s second wedding was a small affair in Lake Tahoe. Her cake was from a chain grocery store, which, since it was located Tahoe, did regular wedding cake business and had a pretty large bakery section. My aunt’s fiancé, Steve, picked up the cake the morning of the wedding and came back to the cabin we

“died by suicide” has to be one of the sloppiest phrases I’ve heard in awhile. You commit suicide or you kill yourself. Suicide is a motive, not a method.

It’s a 3-wheeler, but don’t pretend this 1910 Morgan doesn’t look fun to go screw around in.