
She’s not only the best built ship in the world, she’s also one of the most beautiful!

And then sometimes he's shown to be somewhat of a good person. He was disgusted when Roger wore blackface, he got very emotional over MLK's assassination, he doesn't understand why the TV company won't market to black people, etc. His reaction to Joan sleeping with the Jaguar guy was the only one that didn't bother me

Spot on. You rarely remember the big sights most clearly. It’s the funny conversation you had with that shopkeeper, or your first taste of hot buttered crumpets at that cosy tea room, or the way the golden light fell on the cobble-stoned pavement as you walked through town that one evening. That’s the stuff that stays

I was once at a formal dinner. I didn’t know what the extra small spoon lying next to my plate was for, so I asked my friend what it was for. A lady sitting across from me overheard and smirkily noted: “Don’t you know the basic rules of the table etiquette?” I, completely unembarrassed, smirkily replied:

We should quarantine these people like lepers back in the day. I’m dead serious. You don’t want vaccines? Off you go. Willful ignorance should not be allowed to physically harm the rest of society.

love this!

Fellow Lifehackers:

On a personal note, I don't think the transcontinental speed record holds any merit. It's a pissing contest between a subset of a subset of a subset of a privileged population, that is incredibly dangerous to the public in most instances. I'm for de-legitimizing the record to such a degree that I helped previous


Amount of data used listening to my local radio station on the way to work: 0

No shit? Street racing is older than this show? Wow! Mind=blown........ Obviously genius, street racing has been going on long before these grease stains were even born.

The law punishes the second participant even if he didn't actually hit the victims, because (the theory goes) he encouraged it, and without someone racing against them, it wouldn't have happened. The "felony murder" rule others have cited is applied in cases where one or more people are engaging in an illegal

I think the charge is murder for two reasons, the first to discourage drag racing which they've apparently failed at so far. They also may not have an airtight case if they didn't catch these guys at the scene. It's somewhat commonplace for people to get charged with a more serious felony so they will plead down to

The thing here is that in California, street racing can be charged as a felony. Per the felony murder rule, if anyone dies during the course of a felony, a murder charge is warranted. There doesn't have to be malice aforethought (intent) for a murder conviction by the felony murder rule. The felony murder rule

The responsibility ends when you're on a race track, rather than a street.

I came to this thread to watch street racing idiots defend other street racing pieces of shit who killed two people and ran away like the cowards they are. I have not been disappointed! Keep up the idiocy, boys, and don't forget to blame the victims!

Hopefully now this stupid fucking show glorifying this shit is done. I've said it from day one that "Street Outlaws" was a horrible idea. NHRA knew it, and was smart to distance itself and call out its licensed drivers who were participating.

I'd like to see charges brought against Discovery for encouraging this bullshit

The war was in their final days. Germany already defeated. No important targets. There wasn't any big wigs in the city to kill. It was full of refugees.