Kent Slaymaker

If you make it I’ll buy it!

“You are allowed to...”

I will never not be amazed by your ability to come up with even more hilarious insults for the people too stupid to understand your writing.

“Fuckboy Voltron” needs to get put on a t-shirt.

This past weekend, a group of heroes united to form fuckboy Voltron

Most people don’t want equality, they are simply seeking their opportunity to play the oppressor.

Make no mistake, all of these incidents simply highlight a truth that we as black people have known for a long time. White folks cannot simply let us be.

and the guy from Smash Mouth to throw in their two cents, and we’ll officially have input from everyone on this topic.

How is it that when a Black person says something that challenges systematic racism, the mainstream media tends to be strangely quiet about those comments or that person gets cast in a negative light.

comes across as if all they’re saying is “tee hee, we’re girls. Of course we don’t know what’s going on”

Oh boo-hoo, your heroes gently turned to ash and floated away. Try watching Prowl’s eyes turn red and flames come out of his mouth when he was killed. Or seeing Wheeljack’s corpse shoved aside without mention. Or Optimus Prime turn charcoal black when he died. In my day we knew how to traumatize children!

It’s because conservative women have no individual identity. They can only define themselves by their association with or to a man.

Wife and Mother is apparently the pinnacle of white woman achievement according to white women.

omggggg i’m so tired of white women calling themselves “wives” or “mothers” are yall anything else??????????????????????????? who gives a fuck if SHS is any of those things? she’s still a lying ass bitch.

They have my Thoughts and Prayers

This type of person has ”can I speak to the manager?”written all over them.