Kent Slaymaker

Welcome to our corporate future.

He’s definitely more Goofus than Gallant so far.

It is absolutely classic narcissism. A true narcissist simply cannot accept that they are less than perfect. So they must make up crazy stories to explain away any of their flaws (even normal flaws). And they shy away from trying new things as they won’t be any good at them at first.

So Donald Trump is either incredibly stupid or amazingly racist.

One of the more chilling things about this video (which don’t get me wrong, its all chilling) is that the white man they were meeting was allowed to stand there and question the police, raise his voice and make furtive gestures and not only was he not told to step back or threatened with arrest, the officer just stood

I don’t remember Houston saying this when they built large swaths of the city on a flood plain.

You know, I’ve long thought it should be a law that if you’re a business that’s open to the public, you should be required to have bathrooms that are open to any member of the public who might need them, regardless of whether or not they’re buying anything, because that’s just the humanitarian thing to do. It should

He got all that and more than he bargained for! He has also never done it again.

Never drink out of a black person’s glass or take a bite of their food without permission.

This makes so much sense, but when I tell my wife that I’m more honest when I’m not looking at her, she gets offended FOR SOME REASON.

Have you met and spoken with the MAGA crowd?

I thought Star Wars: Thrawn was one of the most enjoyable Star Wars books I ever read. I look forward to a sequel.

Nah, the contempt for wypipo is based on their actions, not because they simply exist. It is situational, not systemic. If and when a White man is hunted down by helicopter and shot dead in his backyard for simply being there, we can revisit this distinction. Until then, keep fucking that chicken.

The thread I see through this is that white people are reacting to how things make them feel while minorities are reacting to how things affect their lives and livelihood, and that is how such a power disparity plays out. Is that a fair thing to draw out?

CDC... Ugh...

Binge drinking is defined as 5 drinks in 2 hours, so that’s a bottle of wine, or 5 (lower ABV) beers, or 2-3 old-fashioned’s depending on how you mix it. That’s a lot of drinking in 2 hours! Does everyone in the US posses a beer-bong? I can drink a bottle of wine (~5 glasses) in a night but in no less

I just can’t get over how everyone is jumping on this band wagon of liking the unfaithful money-grubbing status-obsessed gun-owner real estate agency wife who is really mean to her daughter because her husband also sucks. What could be less feminist than to apologize for a shitty woman by saying “yeah, but her husband


“Now, have you learned how to properly interact with a police officer?” I can only nod. “You don’t need a ticket for this, do you? Move along, you are blocking traffic.”

Jesus christ, that is horrifying. I am sorry that you went through that.

I’m sorry and I hope the person who did that to you dies a painful death. That’s all I have.