Kent Slaymaker

That is some brace shit. Standing up to bullies with badges take balls. You know you are in the right, but that won’t matter much to your family after they shoot you.

Good on you, man.

It makes sense to them because their goal is to make everyone not like them just go away. They want to go back to the times “when this wasn’t an issue”.

Just to be masochistic, I went to check out Fox News’ coverage of this.
Lots of the comments are people calling for the players to pay back their salaries, specifically to “pay back every cent of money this great country gave them”.

Interesting, they seem to be for reparations now?

Ta-Nehisi Coates hits the nail on the head on that one.

“if we can’t talk better than what happened on the floor the other day”.

“automobile people” are the knockoff GoBots

“At least you put your name to what you write”

I took some 9 year olds to see this movie .....  rated PG 13

Because once an interaction with an officer has begun, the likely hood of arrest/injury/death is MUCH higher for some Americans than it is for others

It is absolutely classic narcissism. A true narcissist simply cannot accept that they are less than perfect. So they must make up crazy stories to explain away any of their flaws (even normal flaws). And they shy away from trying new things as they won’t be any good at them at first.

It is possible he is severely depressed and all this “I’ve been smiling, and y’all should do the same” stuff is a front. Who knows I guess.

Would you care to explain how either PR or Flint “made these problems for themselves”?

Defamation, slander, and libel are all crimes. Calling a victim a “crisis actor” falls into this category

Who does this? This is so insanely rude. If I had a “friend” do this to my food, they would be getting serious side eye at the least, and probably a “What the fuck, dude?”

In that case, I apologize. Communicating text only removes nuance.

Just one question:

Why do you feel the need to let people know you aren’t like the racists? If you truly know that you are not like them, why work hard to convince others that you aren’t? If you feel the need to convince others that don’t even know you, maybe ask yourself why...

Ha. Clapback Fishing

You are not supposed to hate her. You are supposed to empathize with her. She has tied her happiness/fulfillment as a person to selling a house. That is a mistake that is all too common. If no one wants the house, that is not because she is unworthy as a person, but she has convinced herself it is.

Lester is creepy in

Have you seen what ICE is up to lately? They may very well be turning into a sort of secret police
